Law:60RZ10 The TMT20 Hall of Fame Act
It amends the following: |
Cosă: PASSED |
Per 111 — Con 20 — Aus 69 |
Senäts: PASSED |
Per 8 — Con 0 — Aus 0 |
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WHEREAS the Talossan Music Top 20 has been held every year since 2015 and is one of the Kingdom's premier cultural institutions; and,
WHEREAS songs that have enjoyed great success in the TMT20, such as Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen, Gimme Shelter by The Rolling Stones, and Sultans of Swing by Dire Straits, deserve to be officially recognized;
THEREFORE Lex.F.4.1 is added, which reads:
The Talossan Music Top 20 Hall of Fame honors songs that have won the Talossan Music Top 20 multiple times, making them the most popular in the Kingdom. Honorees currently include:
4.1.1 Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody (winner in 2015 and 2017)
4.1.2 The Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter (winner in 2020, 2022, and 2023)
4.1.3 Dire Straits - Sultans of Swing (winner in 2021 and 2024)
Uréu q'estadra så:
Ian Plätschisch - (Sen-MM)
Tric'hard Lenxheir - (Sen-VD)