Locust Sextieir

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Locust Sextieir
Type: Sextieir (Parish equivalent)
Province: Belacostă
Area: 39.35 ac. (15.92 ha)

Locust Sextieir is a sextieir (eng. Sixth, it. Sestiere) of Belacostă Province, the local term for a Parish. The sextieir takes its name from Locust Street, which forms the parish's southern boundary. Locust Parish is the location of Clark Graphics (formerly Clark's Print Shop), the printer of Talossa's legislative monthly agendas in its early history. In honor of this, these agendas are now known as Clarks.

Geography and Borders

Locust is bordered by East Linnwood Avenue to the north, North Maryland Avenue to the east, the Manaweg to the west, and East Locust Street to the south.

The sextieir contains seven townships:

Township Area (ac.) Area (ha)
BE-T08 9.42 3.81
BE-T09 4.81 1.95
BE-T10 5.13 2.08
BE-T11 4.99 2.02
BE-T12 4.94 2.00
BE-T13 4.97 2.01
BE-T14 5.09 2.06