Madison Parish

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Type: Parish
Province: Vuode
Canton: Vuode
Area: 43.51 ac. (17.61 ha)

Madison Parish is a parish in Vuode Canton, Vuode Province. The parish is also home to Vuode Palace, the birthplace of Talossa.

Geography and Borders

The border of the Parish follows East Linwood Avenue east from its intersection with North Maryland Avenue, then south/southwest along North Lake Drive, then west along East Locust Street, then north along North Maryland Avenue, which it follows back to East Linwood Avenue.

Madison is comprised of nine townships:

Township Area (ac.) Area (ha)
East Linwood Township 4.59 1.86
Farwell Township 5.01 2.03
Mascouten Township 4.60 1.86
Mid Hackett Township 4.76 1.93
Mid Shepard Township 4.64 1.88
North Marietta Township 4.71 1.91
North Stowell Township 5.06 2.05
Palace Township 4.98 2.02
West Linwood Township 5.16 2.09