Permanent Secretary of Backend Admin

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The Permanent Secretary of Backend Admin, or Backend Secretary for short, is a nonpartisan office of the Royal Civil Service within the Ministry of Technology.

It was established by MinTech Miestrâ Schivâ on September 22nd 2022/XLIII. Lüc da Schir was appointed as the first and current Secretary.


The duties of the Backend Secretary largely mirror the technical part of the former position of Cabinet Secretary, with the exception of the maintenance of the Cabinet forum, which is no longer in use as the Cabinet now meets on Wittenberg:

  • Api dàl Telaragnha: responsible for all "back-end" maintenance of the national Internet presence (in cooperation with the Ministry of Technology);
  • Wittmeister: responsible for all "back-end" maintenance of Wittenberg as described in El Lexhatx J (in conjunction with the Chancery);
  • Holding current passwords to all official Talossan social media accounts.