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The Right Honorable Dr. Txec Róibeard dal Nordselva, Esq. (born January 14, 1972) is a citizen of [[Talossa]] and presently living in Maricopa (California). Dr. dal Nordselva is a former [[Seneschal]] of Talossa a former [[Attorney General]] and is a Justice of the [[Uppermost Court]].
The Honorable Doctor Sir Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă, UrB, GST, O.SPM, SMM, PhD., Esq. (born January 14, 1972) is a citizen of [[Talossa]] and presently living in Maricopa (California). Sir Txec is the current [[Secretary of State]], and the Rouge Elephant Herald in the [[Royal College of Arms]] as well as the Squirrel Viceroy of Arms. He is a former [[Seneschal]], [[Attorney General]], Justice Emeritus of the [[Uppermost Court]] and the former [[Scribery of Abbavilla|Scribe of Abbavilla]].

[[File:TxecNordselva.jpg|thumb|Dr. Txec Róibeard Nordselva]]
[[File:TxecNordselva.jpg|thumb|Sir Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă]]
[[File:Coa_txec.png|thumb|Coat of Arms of Dr. dal Nordselva]]
[[File:Txec Knight.png|thumb|Coat of Arms of Sir Txec dal Nordselvă]]
[[File:TxecNordselvaOfficial.jpg|thumb|Official Portrait as Seneschal of Dr. dal Nordselva]]  
[[File:TxecNordselvaOfficial.jpg|thumb|Official Portrait as Seneschal of Sir dal Nordselvă]]  
==Early Life==
== Early Life==
Dr. Txec dal Nordselva was born in 1972 in Frankfurt (what was then) West Germany. His father was in the United States Army. He likes to say that his birth wasn't all that interesting except that he was a twin and he was born well below 4 pounds, very small and spent his first month of life in the hospital.
Sir Txec dal Nordselvă was born in 1972 in Frankfurt (what was then) West Germany. His father was in the United States Army. He likes to say that his birth wasn't all that interesting except that he was a twin and he was born well below 4 pounds, very small and spent his first month of life in the hospital.

Dr. dal Nordselva first language was German which to this day a causes a mild German accent despite not speaking Deutsch fluently since early childhood. He and his twin brother moved around a lot as they were Army brats. If they spent more than a year in a single school, it was a surprise.
Sir Txec's first language was German which to this day a causes a mild German accent despite not speaking Deutsch fluently since early childhood. He and his twin brother moved around a lot as they were Army brats. If they spent more than a year in a single school, it was a surprise.

The dal Nordselva family lived for a time in places such as Oklahoma, Maryland, and brief stints in Southern California when Dr. dal Norsdelva's father would be in remote places such as South Korea or Saudi Arabia. When he was 12, the family moved back to Germany, this time to a remote little village called Wildflecken, in Bavaria and extremely close to East Germany. Nearly every day, the East Germans would fly their MiGs over the housing area where they lived - very close to the ground to avoid the radar.
The dal Nordselvă family lived for a time in places such as Oklahoma, Maryland, and brief stints in Southern California when Sir Txec's father would be in remote places such as South Korea or Saudi Arabia. When he was 12, the family moved back to Germany, this time to a remote little village called Wildflecken, in Bavaria and extremely close to East Germany. Nearly every day, the East Germans would fly their MiGs over the housing area where they lived - very close to the ground to avoid the radar.

Dr. dal Nordselva was in Germany when Reagan bombed Libya and from that point on he and his schoolmates had to be escorted to school via bomb squads who searched the school buses relentlessly and actually did find a bomb one time. The dal Nordselvas left Germany in 1986 and moved permanently to California. They settled first in Northern California while Dr. dal Nordselva's dad finished his career in the Army, and then after he retired, the family moved to Southern California.
Sir Txec was in Germany when Reagan bombed Libya and from that point on he and his schoolmates had to be escorted to school via bomb squads who searched the school buses relentlessly and actually did find a bomb one time. The dal Nordselvăs left Germany in 1986 and moved permanently to California. They settled first in Northern California while Sir Txec's dad finished his career in the Army, and then after he retired, the family moved to Southern California.

==Post High School==
==Post High School==

Dr. dal Nordselva graduated from High School in 1990 with a desire to become a teacher, though that desire would not be fulfilled for some years to come as in his own words, he "dawdled around unsure for most of my 20s." He earned an Associates degree in Theology and finally his Bachelors degree in Information Technology which enabled him to begin substitute teaching. He took his teaching credential courses, passed the required teaching exams, and after a brief stint student teaching, Dr. dal Nordselva landed his first real teaching job. He has been teaching now full time for over 10 years. During that time he earned his Masters degree in Educational Technology and, finally, his PhD in Curriculum and Instruction.
Sir Txec graduated from High School in 1990 with a desire to become a teacher, though that desire would not be fulfilled for some years to come as in his own words, he "dawdled around unsure for most of my 20s." He earned an Associates degree in Theology and finally his Bachelors degree in Information Technology which enabled him to begin substitute teaching. He took his teaching credential courses, passed the required teaching exams, and after a brief stint student teaching, Sir Txec landed his first real teaching job. He has been teaching now full time for over 10 years. During that time he earned his Masters degree in Educational Technology and, finally, his PhD in Curriculum and Instruction.

In Dr. dal Nordselva's own words: "people think it is weird that a middle school teacher has a PhD. My response is that it was a lifelong dream so I did it. I am proud to be the most educated person in my family. I was the first to get a Masters degree and, so far, the only one with a PhD."  
In Sir Txec's own words: "people think it is weird that a middle school teacher has a PhD. My response is that it was a lifelong dream so I did it. I am proud to be the most educated person in my family. I was the first to get a Masters degree and, so far, the only one with a PhD."  

Dr. dal Nordselva is married to fellow citizen Cheli dal Nordselva (who he helped bring into the kingdom and received the Prime Ministers Patriotic Award for).
Sir Txec is married to fellow citizen Cheli dal Nordselvă (who he helped bring into the kingdom and received the Prime Ministers Patriotic Award for).

==Integration into Talossan Society==
==Integration into Talossan Society==

Dr. dal Nordselva became a citizen of Talossa on September 23, 2012. Almost immediately upon his grant of citizenship, he was [http://talossa.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=universityoftalossa&action=display&thread=7430 named] the President of L'Üniversità da Talossa on September 24, 2012. Dr. dal Nordselva was [http://talossa.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=gotopost&board=ziu&thread=7048&post=84887 granted seats] in the Cosa on October 24, 2012 when the former Burgermeister of Inland Revenue, Bleic'h Ianescu, forfeited his seats due to a failure to vote in the Clarks.
Sir Txec dal Nordselvă became a citizen of Talossa on September 23, 2012. Almost immediately upon his grant of citizenship, he was [http://talossa.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=universityoftalossa&action=display&thread=7430 named] the President of L'Üniversità da Talossa on September 24, 2012. Sir Txec dal Nordselvă was [http://talossa.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=gotopost&board=ziu&thread=7048&post=84887 granted seats] in the Cosa on October 24, 2012 when the former Burgermeister of Inland Revenue, Bleic'h Ianescu, forfeited his seats due to a failure to vote in the Clarks.

Dr. dal Nordselva took up the role of RUMP party whip prior to the general election that would determine the makeup of the 45th Cosa. He oversaw RUMP get-out-the-vote campaigns and upon the outcome, was formally [http://talossa.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=general&action=display&thread=8336 named RUMP party leader] by outgoing leader and Distain [[Pôl d'Aurìbuérg]]. Dr. dal Nordselva negotiated with [[King John]] and the other party leaders regarding the appointment of a Seneschal, and upon an official coalition between the RUMP and the IND parties, on April 19, 2013, Dr. dal Nordselva was [http://talossa.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=gotopost&board=general&thread=8345&post=98369 named Prime Minister] by King John.
Sir Txec took up the role of RUMP party whip prior to the general election that would determine the makeup of the 45th Cosa. He oversaw RUMP get-out-the-vote campaigns and upon the outcome, was formally [http://talossa.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=general&action=display&thread=8336 named RUMP party leader] by outgoing leader and Distain [[Pôl d'Aurìbuérg]]. Sir Txec negotiated with [[King John]] and the other party leaders regarding the appointment of a Seneschal, and upon an official coalition between the RUMP and the IND parties, on April 19, 2013, Sir Txec was [http://talossa.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=gotopost&board=general&thread=8345&post=98369 named Prime Minister] by King John.

Dr. dal Nordselva was admitted to the Royal Talossan Bar on March 26, 2014 after having been only the second Talossan to have ever taken and passed the Bar Exam. On June 30, 2014, Dr. dal Nordselva took the judicial oath upon his appointment as a Magistrate of the [[Cort dels Edilicieux]]
Sir Txec was admitted to the Royal Talossan Bar on March 26, 2014 after having been only the second Talossan to have ever taken and passed the Bar Exam. On June 30, 2014, Sir Txec took the judicial oath upon his appointment as a Magistrate of the [[Cort dels Edilicieux]], and later went on to serve on the [[Uppermost Court]] following the lower court being disbanded.
Sir Txec retired from the Judiciary in August 2020, upon his appointment as the new [[Secretary of State]].
Sir Txec was elevated to His Majesty [[King John]]'s Privy Council, the Sabor Talossan, on August 8, 2022.
In the Extraordinary Honours of November 30, 2022, Sir Txec was granted a Knighthood and admitted by [[King John]] to the [[Order of the Flag]] in recognition of his many years of service to the Kingdom and in particular his work in the Royal Civil Service, where among other positions he has held the offices of Secretary of State, Scribe of Abbavilla, Burgermeister of Inland Revenue, and Squirrel Viceroy of Arms (at one point holding all four positions simultaneously).
==Nomination as Heir Presumptive==
On August 20, 2024, King John formally announced his nomination of Sir Txec as Heir Presumptive. Upon confirmation by the Ziu and the people in referendum, Sir Txec will accede to the Throne of Talossa upon the abdication of His Majesty, King John.
In a short speech to the nation upon his nomination, Sir Txec wrote:
Azul my fellow Talossans,
I am deeply honored, humbled, and just a small bit frightened at the prospect of becoming Heir Presumptive, and by extension, King of Talossa. In the nearly 12 years since I became a citizen of this wonderful kingdom, I have always worked to try to make our nation a little bit better. I agreed to serve as Seneschal early in my time, and you all know all the other things I've done over the course of years for Talossa.
When King John asked me if I was willing to serve, I was shocked. I mean, why me of all people? Surely there are others that are better. However, I did agree that if he believed I was the right choice, I would serve. Yes, serve. While the title of King is lofty, to me, a king is a servant. The monarch should serve the people and represent the very best of them.
I have read and re-read many times the words that King John first said upon his own nomination to the throne. I here and now pledge that, if confirmed by the Ziu and the people, I will be scrupulously apolitical in all ways. I will leave that party which I helped found years ago with some sadness as many are my friends, and shall remain so. I will not vote in elections, except to vote present, as will my wife Chelli. Upon confirmation by the people in referendum, I will resign all my offices and party affiliations. I will appoint a deputy Secretary of State to conduct the said referendum as well.
I know that change is hard. His Majesty has been our king for over 17 years now. He has been a beacon of Talossanity and a symbol of our great nation. He has some pretty big shoes to fill and I will endeavor with all I am to become a king that you can be proud of. </blockquote>

==List of Proclamations As Seneschal==
==List of Proclamations As Seneschal==

* [http://talossa.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=general&action=display&thread=8358 Reunision Day Proclamation]
*[http://talossa.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=general&action=display&thread=8358 Reunision Day Proclamation]
* [http://talossa.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=general&action=display&thread=8372 Hutt River Proclamation]
*[http://talossa.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=general&action=display&thread=8372 Hutt River Proclamation]
* [http://talossa.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=general&action=display&thread=8449 Proclamation of Celebration - The Netherlands]
*[http://talossa.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=general&action=display&thread=8449 Proclamation of Celebration - The Netherlands]

==Judicial Rulings==
==Judicial Rulings==
Line 41: Line 64:

|o=[[Secretary of State]]
|d1=15 Aug {{year|2020}}
|n1=[[Glüc da Dhi]]
Line 53: Line 83:
|n1=[[Lüc da Schir]]
|n1=[[Lüc da Schir]]
|o=Magistrate of the [[Cort dels Edilicieux]]
|o=Magistrate of the [[Cort dels Edilicieux]]
|n2=Post abolished / Elevated to Uppermost Court
|d1=30 June {{year|2014}}
|o=[[Scribe of Abbavilla]]
|d1=30 June {{year|2014}}
|d1=1 Apr {{year|2016}}
Line 78: Line 115:
|c2d=47th Cosa
|c2d=47th Cosa
|c2e=49th Cosa
Line 84: Line 123:
|d2= 23 June {{year|2014}}
|d2= 23 June {{year|2014}}
|n1=[[Mataiwos Vürinalt]]
|n1=[[Mataiwos Vürinalt]]
|n2=Carlüs Éovart Vilaçafat
Line 91: Line 130:
|n1=Post Created
|n1=Post Created
|n2=Elevated to Herald
Line 99: Line 138:
|n1=[[Audradâ d'Aurìbuérg]]
|n1=[[Audradâ d'Aurìbuérg]]
|n2=[[Carlüs Xheraltescu]]
|n2=[[Carlüs Xheraltescu]]
|o=The Rouge Elephant Herald [[College of Arms]]
|d1= 20 April {{year|2022}}
|n1=Post Created
|o=The Squirrel Viceroy of Arms [[College of Arms]]
|d1= 24 August {{year|2022}}
|n1=[[Cresti Siervicül|Sir Cresti Siervicül]]

[[Category:Former Seneschals]][[Category:Talossan citizens]][[Category:Magistrates]]
[[Category:Former Seneschals]][[Category:Talossan citizens]][[Category:Magistrates]]

Latest revision as of 10:56, 21 August 2024

The Honorable Doctor Sir Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă, UrB, GST, O.SPM, SMM, PhD., Esq. (born January 14, 1972) is a citizen of Talossa and presently living in Maricopa (California). Sir Txec is the current Secretary of State, and the Rouge Elephant Herald in the Royal College of Arms as well as the Squirrel Viceroy of Arms. He is a former Seneschal, Attorney General, Justice Emeritus of the Uppermost Court and the former Scribe of Abbavilla.

Sir Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă
Coat of Arms of Sir Txec dal Nordselvă
Official Portrait as Seneschal of Sir dal Nordselvă

Early Life

Sir Txec dal Nordselvă was born in 1972 in Frankfurt (what was then) West Germany. His father was in the United States Army. He likes to say that his birth wasn't all that interesting except that he was a twin and he was born well below 4 pounds, very small and spent his first month of life in the hospital.

Sir Txec's first language was German which to this day a causes a mild German accent despite not speaking Deutsch fluently since early childhood. He and his twin brother moved around a lot as they were Army brats. If they spent more than a year in a single school, it was a surprise.

The dal Nordselvă family lived for a time in places such as Oklahoma, Maryland, and brief stints in Southern California when Sir Txec's father would be in remote places such as South Korea or Saudi Arabia. When he was 12, the family moved back to Germany, this time to a remote little village called Wildflecken, in Bavaria and extremely close to East Germany. Nearly every day, the East Germans would fly their MiGs over the housing area where they lived - very close to the ground to avoid the radar.

Sir Txec was in Germany when Reagan bombed Libya and from that point on he and his schoolmates had to be escorted to school via bomb squads who searched the school buses relentlessly and actually did find a bomb one time. The dal Nordselvăs left Germany in 1986 and moved permanently to California. They settled first in Northern California while Sir Txec's dad finished his career in the Army, and then after he retired, the family moved to Southern California.

Post High School

Sir Txec graduated from High School in 1990 with a desire to become a teacher, though that desire would not be fulfilled for some years to come as in his own words, he "dawdled around unsure for most of my 20s." He earned an Associates degree in Theology and finally his Bachelors degree in Information Technology which enabled him to begin substitute teaching. He took his teaching credential courses, passed the required teaching exams, and after a brief stint student teaching, Sir Txec landed his first real teaching job. He has been teaching now full time for over 10 years. During that time he earned his Masters degree in Educational Technology and, finally, his PhD in Curriculum and Instruction.

In Sir Txec's own words: "people think it is weird that a middle school teacher has a PhD. My response is that it was a lifelong dream so I did it. I am proud to be the most educated person in my family. I was the first to get a Masters degree and, so far, the only one with a PhD."

Sir Txec is married to fellow citizen Cheli dal Nordselvă (who he helped bring into the kingdom and received the Prime Ministers Patriotic Award for).

Integration into Talossan Society

Sir Txec dal Nordselvă became a citizen of Talossa on September 23, 2012. Almost immediately upon his grant of citizenship, he was named the President of L'Üniversità da Talossa on September 24, 2012. Sir Txec dal Nordselvă was granted seats in the Cosa on October 24, 2012 when the former Burgermeister of Inland Revenue, Bleic'h Ianescu, forfeited his seats due to a failure to vote in the Clarks.

Sir Txec took up the role of RUMP party whip prior to the general election that would determine the makeup of the 45th Cosa. He oversaw RUMP get-out-the-vote campaigns and upon the outcome, was formally named RUMP party leader by outgoing leader and Distain Pôl d'Aurìbuérg. Sir Txec negotiated with King John and the other party leaders regarding the appointment of a Seneschal, and upon an official coalition between the RUMP and the IND parties, on April 19, 2013, Sir Txec was named Prime Minister by King John.

Sir Txec was admitted to the Royal Talossan Bar on March 26, 2014 after having been only the second Talossan to have ever taken and passed the Bar Exam. On June 30, 2014, Sir Txec took the judicial oath upon his appointment as a Magistrate of the Cort dels Edilicieux, and later went on to serve on the Uppermost Court following the lower court being disbanded.

Sir Txec retired from the Judiciary in August 2020, upon his appointment as the new Secretary of State.

Sir Txec was elevated to His Majesty King John's Privy Council, the Sabor Talossan, on August 8, 2022.

In the Extraordinary Honours of November 30, 2022, Sir Txec was granted a Knighthood and admitted by King John to the Order of the Flag in recognition of his many years of service to the Kingdom and in particular his work in the Royal Civil Service, where among other positions he has held the offices of Secretary of State, Scribe of Abbavilla, Burgermeister of Inland Revenue, and Squirrel Viceroy of Arms (at one point holding all four positions simultaneously).

Nomination as Heir Presumptive

On August 20, 2024, King John formally announced his nomination of Sir Txec as Heir Presumptive. Upon confirmation by the Ziu and the people in referendum, Sir Txec will accede to the Throne of Talossa upon the abdication of His Majesty, King John.

In a short speech to the nation upon his nomination, Sir Txec wrote:

Azul my fellow Talossans,

I am deeply honored, humbled, and just a small bit frightened at the prospect of becoming Heir Presumptive, and by extension, King of Talossa. In the nearly 12 years since I became a citizen of this wonderful kingdom, I have always worked to try to make our nation a little bit better. I agreed to serve as Seneschal early in my time, and you all know all the other things I've done over the course of years for Talossa.

When King John asked me if I was willing to serve, I was shocked. I mean, why me of all people? Surely there are others that are better. However, I did agree that if he believed I was the right choice, I would serve. Yes, serve. While the title of King is lofty, to me, a king is a servant. The monarch should serve the people and represent the very best of them.

I have read and re-read many times the words that King John first said upon his own nomination to the throne. I here and now pledge that, if confirmed by the Ziu and the people, I will be scrupulously apolitical in all ways. I will leave that party which I helped found years ago with some sadness as many are my friends, and shall remain so. I will not vote in elections, except to vote present, as will my wife Chelli. Upon confirmation by the people in referendum, I will resign all my offices and party affiliations. I will appoint a deputy Secretary of State to conduct the said referendum as well.

I know that change is hard. His Majesty has been our king for over 17 years now. He has been a beacon of Talossanity and a symbol of our great nation. He has some pretty big shoes to fill and I will endeavor with all I am to become a king that you can be proud of.

List of Proclamations As Seneschal

Judicial Rulings


Preceded by
Glüc da Dhi
Secretary of State
15 Aug 2020/XLI - Present
Succeeded by
Preceded by
Çesli da Chilseu
19 Apr 2013/XXXIV - 24 Jan 2014/XXXV
Succeeded by
Glüc da Dhi
Preceded by
Lüc da Schir
18 Jan 2015/XXXVI - Present
Succeeded by
Preceded by
Magistrate of the Cort dels Edilicieux
30 June 2014/XXXV - Present
Succeeded by
Post abolished / Elevated to Uppermost Court
Preceded by
Scribe of Abbavilla
1 Apr 2016/XXXVII - Present
Succeeded by
Preceded by
Post Established
President of the University of Talossa
2012/XXXIII - Present
Succeeded by
Member of Cosa 44th  45th  46th  47th  49th  
Preceded by
Mataiwos Vürinalt
Fulbright Fellow College of Arms
2012/XXXIII - 23 June 2014/XXXV
Succeeded by
Carlüs Éovart Vilaçafat
Preceded by
Post Created
Kingsbridge Pursuivant College of Arms
23 June 2014/XXXV - Present
Succeeded by
Elevated to Herald
Preceded by
Audradâ d'Aurìbuérg
Head of the New Citizen's Committee
2012/XXXIII - Present
Succeeded by
Carlüs Xheraltescu
Preceded by
Post Created
The Rouge Elephant Herald College of Arms
20 April 2022/XLIII - Present
Succeeded by
Preceded by
Sir Cresti Siervicül
The Squirrel Viceroy of Arms College of Arms
24 August 2022/XLIII - Present
Succeeded by