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- Law:"The" Witt Act
- Law:1997 Organic Law
- Law:1997 Organic Law/40thCosa
- Law:1997 Organic Law/50thCosa
- Law:1997 Organic Law/51stCosa
- Law:1997 Organic Law (50thCosa)
- Law:2017 Organic Law
- Law:46RZ12 The Organic Law Amendment (Citizenship (Baseball Is Not The Only Sport)) Bill
- Law:46RZ14 El Proxhet "Non Fostent Tirë 'N Büreucräticâ Glheþeascâ"
- Law:46RZ16 The Fix the Magistrates Court Act
- Law:46RZ17 The Not-So-Early Bird Still More or Less Catches the Worm Act
- Law:46RZ18 The Minor Bar Correction Act
- Law:46RZ19 The Quick Fix to Elections Act
- Law:46RZ20 The Talossan Monetary Policy Reform Act
- Law:46RZ21 Nominating Txec dal Nordselva to the Magistrate Courts act
- Law:46RZ22 The My Name is Benito Act
- Law:46RZ23 The Validate the Documents Act
- Law:46RZ24 The Less is more in Talossa (LimiT) Act
- Law:46RZ25 The New Lawyeristic Timebomb Defusement Act
- Law:46RZ3 Nomination of Litz Cjantscheir to the CpI
- Law:46RZ4
- Law:46RZ4 El Lexhatx
- Law:46RZ4 El Lexhatx/20230206
- Law:46RZ4 El Lexhatx/20230330
- Law:46RZ4 El Lexhatx/20230501
- Law:46RZ4 El Lexhatx/20230601
- Law:46RZ4 El Lexhatx/Current
- Law:46RZ4 El Lexhatx/Original
- Law:46RZ4 El Lexhatx/current
- Law:46RZ4 El Lexhatx (original text)
- Law:46RZ5 The Chancery Reform Bill
- Law:46RZ6 The 46th Cosa Budget Act
- Law:47RZ12 The Culture? Don't Talk To Me About Culture Bill
- Law:47RZ13 The Great Reform (No 2: Finance) Bill
- Law:47RZ14 The Legislative Typos and Nitpicking Bill
- Law:47RZ15 The Communications Privacy Act
- Law:47RZ17 Nomination of an Admiral
- Law:47RZ19 The election ballot act, strike 2
- Law:47RZ20 The Walker Immigration Act
- Law:47RZ21 The Fixing a Few Small Errors Act
- Law:47RZ22 The Decoupling the Public and Private Witts Act
- Law:47RZ22 The Move like Jagger Act
- Law:47RZ24 The Missing Teeth Act
- Law:47RZ25 The ambassadors to social media bill
- Law:47RZ26 Nomination of the Commissioner of the Civil Service
- Law:47RZ28 The OrgLaw AMENDMENT (Provincial Government) BILL 1 of 2015
- Law:47RZ2 The Move like Jagger Act
- Law:47RZ31 Allowing the SoS to be apolitical amendment
- Law:47RZ32 The Election Mega-constitutional amendment Part I - The Senate Ballot
- Law:47RZ33 The Election Mega-constitutional amendment Part II - The two step ballot
- Law:47RZ36 The Election Mega-constitutional amendment Part V: The election rules
- Law:47RZ37 The Election Mega-constitutional amendment Part VI - The Cleanup
- Law:47RZ38 The Election Mega-constitutional amendment Part VII - The Political parties
- Law:47RZ39 The Judicial Merry-Go-Round Amendment
- Law:47RZ3 The Wittenberg Pre-Privatisation bill
- Law:47RZ40 The Clerk of Courts Unclogging Act
- Law:47RZ41 The Bouncing Txec Act
- Law:47RZ42 The Afaes Utphätseschti Act (+ Sense of the Ziu.)
- Law:47RZ43 The Delicious Burritos Act
- Law:47RZ44 The Don't Be a Dictator (PD Reform) Amendment
- Law:47RZ4 The Articulate Amendment
- Law:47RZ5 The Anti-Espionage Act
- Law:47RZ6 The Election Guidance Act and Amendment
- Law:47RZ7 The 47th Cosa Budget Act
- Law:47RZ8 The Great Reform (No. 1: Interior Ministry) Bill
- Law:48PD1 Deadline Extension Prime Dictate
- Law:48PD1 RCOR Deadline Extension Prime Dictate
- Law:48PD2 The Quick (Finance) Fix Prime Dictate
- Law:48PD3 The Justice (Cases of Constitutional Importance) Prime Dictate
- Law:48PD4 The BHAID/TAID Money Prime Dictate
- Law:48PD5 RCOR Deadline Extension Prime Dictate 2 Electric Boogaloo
- Law:48RZ10 National Census Bill
- Law:48RZ11 The Automatic Voting Validation Amendment
- Law:48RZ12 The No More Inorganic Budgets Act
- Law:48RZ13 The Chronological Days of Observance Act
- Law:48RZ14 The 3/4 Majority Amendment
- Law:48RZ15 The Humans Helping Other Humans Act
- Law:48RZ16 I Pity The Phoole Act
- Law:48RZ18 The Royal Commision On The OrgLaw (By Popular Demand) Bill
- Law:48RZ19 The Where Did I Put My Wig Act
- Law:48RZ20 The Science Rules! Act
- Law:48RZ21 The Open Sesame Act
- Law:48RZ22 The Rookie Mistake Act
- Law:48RZ24 The Trying Again on Telecomuna Act
- Law:48RZ26 The Fixing the Deck Judicial Clean-Up Act
- Law:48RZ27 The Rebalancing Finances Act
- Law:48RZ29 The Can't You Guys Run A Simple Election Bill
- Law:48RZ30 The Canton Borders Sing This Song Bill
- Law:48RZ31 The Canton Borders Sing This Song Bill
- Law:48RZ31 The Database Accessibility and Protection Bill
- Law:48RZ34 The BHAID Act of 2015
- Law:48RZ36 Another Reformatting Act
- Law:48RZ38 The Hopes Will Become True Act
- Law:48RZ3 We Had a Short Amendment Buried in a Larger One Act
- Law:48RZ5 The Nobody Feels Like Writing Acts Just to Fix Typos Act
- Law:48RZ7 The 48th Cosa Budget Act
- Law:49PD1 RCOR Deadline Extension Prime Dictate
- Law:49RZ13 The man who can't be moved act
- Law:49RZ17 The (Modified) Boundaries of Religious Freedom Act
- Law:49RZ18 Immigration Prosecution Disclosure Act
- Law:49RZ1 The Website Responsibility Bill
- Law:49RZ20 Rephrasing Cultural Suggestions Act
- Law:49RZ21 Provincial Assignment Simplification Act
- Law:49RZ22 The OrgLaw Standing Committee Bill No. 1 (Article 9)
- Law:49RZ23 The Mandatory Cosa Lists Act and Amendment
- Law:49RZ26 The Ranked Choice is the Best Choice Amendment
- Law:49RZ28 Túischac'h Disentrenchment Amendment
- Law:49RZ29 The Joseph McCarthy Amendment
- Law:49RZ4 Omnibus Finance and Budget Bill for the 49th Cosa
- Law:49RZ8 The Catchment Area Reform Act
- Law:49RZ9 The Updating A.12 Act
- Law:50PD01 Conflict Removal (Tuischac'h) Prime Dictate
- Law:50PD1 Conflict Removal (Tuischac'h) Prime Dictate
- Law:50PD2 Yet Another Conflict Removal (Cosa Lists) Prime Dictate
- Law:50PD3 Budget Typo Clarification Prime Dictate
- Law:50PD4 The 50th Cosa Midterm Referendum Prime Dictate
- Law:50PD4 The 50th Cosa Midterm Referendum Prime Dictate (Original Text)
- Law:50PD5 The Amendments to the Midterm Referendum PD Prime Dictate
- Law:50PD6 The Amendments to the Midterm Referendum PD, Take Two Prime Dictate
- Law:50RZ12 The 50th Cosa Budget Act
- Law:50RZ14 A Referendum on the Monarchy
- Law:50RZ14 A Referendum on the Monarchy (Original Text)
- Law:50RZ15 The Electoral Commission Reform Amendment
- Law:50RZ16 The Electoral Commission Reform Act
- Law:50RZ18 THE ORGANIC LAW AMENDMENT (Amendments (I Can't Believe This Is Still Ambiguous But Apparently It Is)) BILL
- Law:50RZ19 The Advisory King Amendment
- Law:50RZ20 The Easy Conversions Act
- Law:50RZ20 The Easy Conversions Act (50th Cosa)
- Law:50RZ26 The Due Process Amendment
- Law:50RZ27 The Bar Reformation Act
- Law:50RZ2 The Senators are People, not Parties Amendment
- Law:50RZ30 The Tiebreaker Act
- Law:50RZ31 The Lannister Act + Sense of the Ziu
- Law:50RZ3 The Fleshing Out IRV Act
- Law:50RZ7 The OrgLaw Amendment (Nonfeasance) Act
- Law:50RZ8 The Pirates Yes, Rape Culture No Bill
- Law:50RZ9 The This Is Not Happy Days And We Are Not The Fonz Bill
- Law:51RZ10 The Consolidation of Interior Powers Act
- Law:51RZ11 The E.7.5 Fix Act
- Law:51RZ12 The Fourteen Means Fourteen Bill
- Law:51RZ15 The Emergency Ephemeral Edict (Quorum) Act
- Law:51RZ16 The Standing Rules (Senate) Act
- Law:51RZ17 The Bar Reformation Act
- Law:51RZ18 The Commas Matter Act (Bar Refor. Secondary Legislation)
- Law:51RZ1 The Post-Three-Strikes Tidy-Up Act
- Law:51RZ2 The Naval Organization & Command Act - Revised
- Law:51RZ3 The 110100100 Act
- Law:51RZ4 The It's gonna take a lot to drag me awaaaaaay from you Act
- Law:51RZ5 51st Cosa Budget Act
- Law:51RZ6 Scribery Sweeping Powers Act
- Law:51RZ7 Scribery Swooping Powers Amendment
- Law:51RZ9 The Council of Governors Resuscitation Act
- Law:51st Cosa Budget Act
- Law:52PD1 Websites Day I -
- Law:52PD1 Websites Day I - KARED Day
- Law:52PD2 Websites Day II
- Law:52PD3 Websites Day III - Supertramp Appreciation Day
- Law:52PD4 Look at the Chatzy Day
- Law:52RZ10 The Call Me Maybe Not Act
- Law:52RZ11 The Logical Act
- Law:52RZ12 The Transparency in Government Positions Act
- Law:52RZ13 The Ailing BHAID Act
- Law:52RZ14 Supplemental Funding for a New Chain of Office Act
- Law:52RZ15 The Ex Parte Corruption Act
- Law:52RZ15 The Ex Parte Corruption Acut
- Law:52RZ16 Mega-Amendment
- Law:52RZ17 Judiciary Reformation Amendment
- Law:52RZ18 (No Need To) Fight For Your Right (To Party) Act
- Law:52RZ19 The Final Draft of the 2019 Amendment to the Organic Law
- Law:52RZ1 The REDACTED Act
- Law:52RZ20 The Covenants of Rights and Freedoms
- Law:52RZ2 The Birds of a Feather Flock Together Act
- Law:52RZ3 Yet Another Error Correction Act
- Law:52RZ4 The Royal Civil Service (Establishment) Bill
- Law:52RZ5 Budget for the 52nd Cosa
- Law:52RZ6 An Act to Remove Béneditsch Ardpresteir from the Uppermost Cort of Talossa
- Law:52RZ7 The Provincial Depiction Right of Determination Act
- Law:52RZ8 Recommendation of a Commissioner of the Royal Civil Service
- Law:52RZ9 A Bill To Create An Organic Law Convention
- Law:53RZ10 The Leader of the Opposition (Restoration) Bill
- Law:53RZ11 The Holidays and Observances Amendment Act
- Law:53RZ12 Budget for the 53rd Cosa
- Law:53RZ13
- Law:53RZ13 The Slimming Down Title I Act
- Law:53RZ14 Still Into This Amendment
- Law:53RZ15 The Linear Terps Act
- Law:53RZ16 The Talossa Is Not Wittenberg Act
- Law:53RZ17 The Wittenberg Transition Act
- Law:53RZ18 Still Into This Amendment
- Law:53RZ19 The Slimming Down Title I Act
- Law:53RZ1 The Fantastic Fusion of Fiova and Florencia Bill
- Law:53RZ20 The Communication with the People Bill
- Law:53RZ21 The Talossa is Not Wittenberg Act
- Law:53RZ22 The Ain't it Fun Act
- Law:53RZ23 The Spreading the Word Act
- Law:53RZ24 The Efficient Justice Bill
- Law:53RZ25 The What Do Secretaries Do All Day? Act
- Law:53RZ26 The Bartholomew Cubbins Act
- Law:53RZ27 The Efficient Justice Bill
- Law:53RZ28 The Defence Disaggregation Bill
- Law:53RZ29 The Honours Bill
- Law:53RZ2 The Civil Service (Commimissioner Abolition) Bill
- Law:53RZ3 The Hopper Needs a Sheriff Bill
- Law:53RZ4 The Holidays and Observances Amendment Act
- Law:53RZ5 The Parliamentary Contact Info Accessibility Act
- Law:53RZ6 The Trapped Dandelions Act
- Law:53RZ7 Mega-Amendment
- Law:53RZ8 The Witt Moderation Act
- Law:53RZ9 The Nationalization of a Peculiar Wittenberg Act
- Law:54RZ10 The Fixing The Fixing The Judicial Deck Clean-Up Bill
- Law:54RZ11 The Vth Member of the Uppermost Cort Bill
- Law:54RZ12 The When Do We Want It? Now! Act
- Law:54RZ13 The Talossa is Not Wittenberg Act
- Law:54RZ14 The This Ain't it, Chief Act
- Law:54RZ15 The Seneschál Election Amendment
- Law:54RZ16 The There's No Such Thing As A Free Senäts Seat Amendment
- Law:54RZ17 Abolition of Compulsory Voting and Determination of Legal or Actual Decease Bill
- Law:54RZ18 The State Opening of the Cosa Redux Act
- Law:54RZ19 The Investitures Act
- Law:54RZ1 The Proxy Voting Cleanup Act
- Law:54RZ20 The NCC Redux Act
- Law:54RZ21 The Túischac'h Election Bill
- Law:54RZ22 The Amada Mertgedes Martyrdom Memorial Act
- Law:54RZ23 The Uniform Seneschál Election Act
- Law:54RZ24 The Uniform Túischac'h Election Act
- Law:54RZ25 Judiciary Amendment of 2020
- Law:54RZ26 The Non-Hereditary Monarchy Amendment
- Law:54RZ27 The UC Inactivity Definition Bill
- Law:54RZ28 The Non-Hereditary Monarchy Amendment
- Law:54RZ2 The John Simon Bercow Act
- Law:54RZ3 The Quashing Minority Decisions Act
- Law:54RZ4 The Pete Townshend (WHO ARE YOU) Bill
- Law:54RZ5 The Valencia Immigration Act
- Law:54RZ6 The Lexithree Modernisation Act
- Law:54RZ7 The Fair Warning Act
- Law:54RZ8 The Lexifore Leeway Act
- Law:54RZ9 The 54th Cosa Budget
- Law:55RZ10 The Tidying Up Our Finances (And Seneschalsqåb) Bill
- Law:55RZ11 Maybe Not So Into This Bill
- Law:55RZ12 The Ranked Choice Constitutional Referendum Bill
- Law:55RZ13 The 55th Cosa Budget Act
- Law:55RZ14 Title I Revision Act of 2020
- Law:55RZ15 The State Opening of the Ziu Act
- Law:55RZ16 The L.10 is Now Pointless Act
- Law:55RZ17 Elevating Istefan Perþonest to the UC Act
- Law:55RZ18 The Hopper is For the People and Other Clarifications Bill
- Law:55RZ19 An Act to Recodify El Lexhatx G (Justice)
- Law:55RZ1 - The Tidy Up Your Stuff Act
- Law:55RZ1 The Tidy Up Your STUFF Act
- Law:55RZ20 A Resolution in Memory of John Carl Eiffler aka 'Art Verbotten'
- Law:55RZ21 The Talossa Shall Choose Its King Amendment
- Law:55RZ22 The Amendment to the Organic Law (Seneschal Election Tweaks) Bill
- Law:55RZ23 The Due Process Reversion Amendment
- Law:55RZ24 The Talossan Law Repatriation (Crimes Repugnamt to Talossanity) Bill
- Law:55RZ24 The Talossan Law Repatriation (Crimes Repugnant to Talossanity) Bill
- Law:55RZ27 The Efficient Justice Bill
- Law:55RZ2 - The Tidying Up the Interior Act
- Law:55RZ2 The Tidying Up the Interior Act
- Law:55RZ3 - The Shark Tank Act
- Law:55RZ3 The Shark Tank Act
- Law:55RZ4 The Fleecing Bill
- Law:55RZ5 The Self-Destructing Senäts Repeal (Organic Law Amendment Bill)
- Law:55RZ6 The Confidence is Not a Binary Choice Bill
- Law:55RZ7 The Community Jurists (JP Restoration) Bill
- Law:55RZ8 The Alexander E.H. Schmidt Immigration Bill
- Law:55RZ9 The Make the Ziu Actually Read This Stuff Bill
- Law:56PD1 Ukraine Donation Prime Dictate
- Law:56RZ10 The Small OrgLaw Amendment (Dignity of the Túischac'h) Act
- Law:56RZ11 Amendment on Reserved Seats for New Citizens
- Law:56RZ12 The "It's The Immigration, Stupid" Act
- Law:56RZ1 The Talossa Shall Choose Its King Amendment
- Law:56RZ2 The Talossan Criminal Reform Bill
- Law:56RZ3 The Talossan Criminal Law Reform Bill
- Law:56RZ4 The Legislative Process Improvement Bill
- Law:56RZ5 The 56th Cosa Budget
- Law:56RZ6 The Big Fat Chocolate-Covered Waste of Time Bill
- Law:56RZ8 Compromise on the Compromise Act and Amendment
- Law:56RZ9 The Small OrgLawAmendment (Seneschál's Rights in the Hopper) Act
- Law:57PD10 Tuischac'h Correction
- Law:57PD1 The Embarassing Failure of Legislative Proofreading Prime Dictate
- Law:57PD2 Emergency Funding for Webhosting Costs
- Law:57PD3 TNC Day
- Law:57PD4 Peacebuilders Day
- Law:57PD5 Talossan Coffee Day
- Law:57PD6 National Gimme Shelter Day
- Law:57PD7 Day of the Automobile
- Law:57PD8 Humble Potato Day
- Law:57PD9 Talossan Coffee Day II
- Law:57RZ10 Sense of the Ziu: Genocide in Xinjiang
- Law:57RZ11 The Loud Town Crier Act
- Law:57RZ12 Sense of the Ziu: Recognition of the Republic of Somaliland
- Law:57RZ13 The Tear Down This Wall, Finally, Bill
- Law:57RZ14 The Naming the National Teams Act
- Law:57RZ15 The Nonpartisan SOS Entrenchment Act
- Law:57RZ16 Sense of the Ziu: Procrastination and a Period of Consequences
- Law:57RZ17 Sense of the Ziu: Berber Solidarity
- Law:57RZ18 The SoS Responsibility Reform Bill
- Law:57RZ19
- Law:57RZ19 The Seneschal Selection and Reselection Amendment
- Law:57RZ1 The Poor Unfortunate Souls Citizenship Act
- Law:57RZ20 The SoS Succession Reform Act
- Law:57RZ21 SENSE OF THE COSA: Living Cosa for November
- Law:57RZ22 Finance Law Reform (Here We Go Again) Bill
- Law:57RZ23 The Cutting Red And Green Tape (Domain Names) Bill
- Law:57RZ24 Sense of the Ziu: A Call to Arms
- Law:57RZ25 The PIG Has Ceased to Be Act
- Law:57RZ26 Sense of the Ziu: Celebrating Cjovani Culture
- Law:57RZ27 The Dandelions Start At Fourteen Amendment
- Law:57RZ2 The One Milestone at a Time Act
- Law:57RZ3 Compromise on the Compromise Act and Amendment
- Law:57RZ4 The Lets Make This Official Act
- Law:57RZ5 The 57th Cosa Budget
- Law:57RZ6 The Lets Make This Official Compromise Bill
- Law:57RZ7 The Unsanctified Act
- Law:57RZ8 Legal Repair Bill
- Law:57RZ9 Sense of the Ziu: Russian Aggression and Ukrainian Self-Determination
- Law:58PD1 Eucatastrophe Day
- Law:58PD2 "Fischia il Vento" and "Bella Ciao" Day
- Law:58PD8 Humble Potato Day
- Law:58RZ10 Budget and Financial Planning Bill for the 58th Cosa
- Law:58RZ11 The Cjovani Ziua Auservada Bill
- Law:58RZ12 SoS Succession Reform Act
- Law:58RZ13 The Legal Repair Amendment
- Law:58RZ14 The Unsanctified Act
- Law:58RZ15 The Second Catchment Area Reform Act
- Law:58RZ16 Ün legeu per regular els Prüms Diktats - The This is Not a PD Act
- Law:58RZ17 Ün legeu per inovar el CRL - The Update of the CRL Act
- Law:58RZ18 National Skills and Social Connections Survey Act
- Law:58RZ19 Second Incorporative Act
- Law:58RZ1 The Dandelion Seedling Registration Act
- Law:58RZ20 Embassy Rhymes with Coffee Act
- Law:58RZ21 The Cort pü Inalt Right-Sizing Act
- Law:58RZ22 The Responsibility Reassignment Act
- Law:58RZ23 There’s No Half-Time in the Ziu Amendment
- Law:58RZ24 The Sentient Rights Act
- Law:58RZ25 The Cort Bookkeeping Act
- Law:58RZ26 The James "Jimmy" Letherer Memorial Civil Rights Day
- Law:58RZ2 The BHAID Aid to Türkiye & Syria Act
- Law:58RZ3 1997 Amendment
- Law:58RZ4 Symbols of the Ziu Act
- Law:58RZ5 Ün legeu per ultimar la coreziun dal lemă - The We Need to Correct the Motto Again Act
- Law:58RZ6 The Second Talossan Government Transparency Act