Cézembrean Law
This is a digest of Cézembrean provincial statutory laws, accepted by L'Etats de Cézembre.
A1: The First Cézembrean Culture Act
This law is currently IN FORCE |
Sponsored by: Glüc da Dhi (PP/FGP) |
Approved by: L'États |
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Date: 16 February 2010/XXXI |
Cézembre is the best province of Talossa, and
the best province of Talossa needs to have its own, unique culture, and
the possibility of provincial food has already been discussed, and
one French/Cézembrean specialty turned out to be perfect for our wonderful island, now
the Cézembrian government recognizes cotriade as provincial food and as a part of the Cézembrian culture.
A2: The Information Act
This law is currently IN FORCE |
Sponsored by: Glüc da Dhi (PP/FGP) |
Approved by: L'États |
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Date: 16 February 2010/XXXI |
a lot of information about Cézembre provided by the KoT-site and the Cézembrian forum is unclear or out of date, and
Cézembrian citizens should be able to have this information, now
the seneschal or someone appointed by the Seneschal is responsible for providing the following information online: 1) all provincial legislation, 2) all voting member of l'etats and 3) the Seneschal and Governor-General.
A3: The Damn The Province With The Long Name Act
![]() REPEALED |
Sponsored by: Glüc da Dhi (PP) |
Approved by: L'États |
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Date: 27 July 2011/XXXII |
some evil guys in M-M actually think they are the best province, and
they are of course not the best province, and
we're all happy not to live in M-M, and
there is no good reason for M-M to be a province, now
this assembly advises the ziu to assign the territory and the citizens of Maritiimi-Maxhestic to Maricopa and Vuode,
Futhermore this assembly does not recognize any future Maritiimi-Maxhestic legislation claiming Cézembrian territory, Additionaly we accept the fact that Cézembre is the best province and the fact that Vuode, Benito, Ataturk, Maricopa and even Florencia are all better provinces than Maritiimi-Maxhestic.
A4: The Get Rid Of A3 Act
This law is currently IN FORCE |
Sponsored by: Glüc da Dhi (MRP) |
Approved by: L'États |
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Date: 6 May 2012/XXXIII |
the provincial conflict between M-M and Cézembre used to be fun at some point, and
nobody cares anymore, and
A3 seems so silly now, and
we are still the best province of Talossa, and
we are very forgiving, now
A3 is hereby repealed,
Furthermore Cézembre still denies the ridiculous claims in articles V and VI of The Body of Law Act (MM).
A5: The Keys to the Kingdom Act
This law is currently IN FORCE |
Sponsored by: Glüc da Dhi (MRP), Owen Edwards (MRP/IP) |
Approved by: L'États |
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Date: 14 July 2012/XXXIII |
Ián Anglatzarâ, (deleted), Jum Txec Tric’hardsëfiglheu, Dieter N. Vercáriâ, Gjermund Higraff, Üc R. Tärfâ and Ián Txaglh were Cézembreans in the Republic, and
Republican Cézembreans were as Cezembrean as they come, and
their names are now attached to Fiova, but their hearts remain in Cézembre, and
if their hearts don't remain in Cézembre, well, we can soon see to THAT, matey, and
the Fair Isle, the King's second Kingdom, God's Own Country, would like to show Republican Cézembreans they still have a home here,
l’Etats de Cézembre hereby awards Keys to the Kingdom to the following persons: Ián Anglatzarâ, (deleted), Jum Txec Tric’hardsëfiglheu, Dieter N. Vercáriâ, Gjermund Higraff, Üc R. Tärfâ, Ián Txaglh
A7: The Provincial Web Presence Act
This law is currently IN FORCE |
Sponsored by: Dame Litz Cjantscheir, (RUMP) |
Approved by: L'États |
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Date: 23 December 2012/XXXIII |
the great province of Cézembre has a web presence consisting of several webpages, TalossaWiki and other miscellaneous sites,
these sites need to be maintained and updated
it should be the duty of the Provincial Government and its leaders to ensure the sites are updated and kept current,
Section 1: Le Sénéchal, The Lord Warden and persons appointed by resolution of L'Etats de Cézembre shall be at all times responsible for the upkeep, regular updating and maintenance all webpages associated, directly or indirectly, with the province of Cézembre.
Section 2: For the purpose of this Act, a webpage shall be defined as: “A website, webpage and/or site which can be accessed via the internet, which is owned, hosted and/or operated by and/or for the Cézembrean citizens and community and/or Talossan Citizens and Community at large and is open to editing by said citizens and community. This act shall not apply to any privately owned or operated website unless the owner of said website allows users to create and edit webpages on his/her behalf and/or said website has been designed to be edited by third parties, members of the public and/or the Talossan Community.”
Section 3: (a) Any member of L'Etats de Cézembre may at whim carry out a audit of the webpages to which this act applies and present to L'Etats de Cézembre his/her findings and/or L'Etats de Cézembre may be its own resolution conduct a audit of said webpages and appoint members to conduct such. Should it be established that the persons to whom Section 1 applies have not be fulfilling their obligations under this act, said persons shall have fourteen (14) days from the date of such establishment, to update and correct said webpages. Failure by said person(s) to update and correct said websites within the allotted timeframe shall constitute a offense, to which the punishment shall be at the discretion of the Courts, which may include a impeachment.
(b) L'Etats de Cézembre may impeach, insofar as permitted by the Constitution and Organic Law, by a 2/3rd vote in favour any person to which Section 1 applies from their respective office, if they continuously neglect their duty under this Act and/or otherwise fail to comply with resolutions issued by L'Etats de Cézembre.
Section 4: In order to allow for persons to which Section 1 applies to carry out a initial assessment and any updating/maintenance work to the webpages to which this act applies, Section 3 of this Act shall not come into force until one (1) calendar month after Act is enacted. Other sections of this act shall come into full force on the date of enactment.
A8: The Sénéchal Elections Act
This law is currently IN FORCE |
Sponsored by: Glüc da Dhi (MRPT) |
Approved by: L'États |
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Date: 31 December 2013/XXXIV |
the Cézembrean Constitution does not specify the exact procedure for electing a Sénéchal, now
l’Etats declares the following to be the correct procedure for the election of a Sénéchal, in accordance with the Constitution of Cézembre:
1. The dates of the election shall be determined in accordance with the Constitution.
2. If the Conducting Officer, designated by the Constitution decides to run as a candidate, he/she must appoint someone else to act as Conducting Officer in his/her stead.
3. Before the election starts, the person conducting the election must request and be granted access to the Cézembrean section of the electoral database, in accordance with the Provincial Minions Act.
4. All candidates contesting in the election may choose to elect a representative to supervise the elections.
5. A candidate representative as appointed according to clause 4 must be a citizen of Talossa, may not be a candidate in the election, and must request and be granted access to the Cézembrean section of the electoral database, in accordance with the Provincial Minions Act.
6. Before the start of the nomination phase the Conducting Officer will send all voters an email explaining the election procedures. This message must be posted online as well to ensure voters who did not receive the email have the chance to notify the Conducting Officer of the mistake, so it can be fixed.
7. If the Conducting Officer is notified of a change in email address, he/she must report this change to the chancery.
8. The election will be conducted using Ballotbin or a similar automated ballot that is capable of conducting the elections in accordance with the provisions of this act.
9. The settings of the Bin must be so that the Admins can only see the results after the election, the candidates are presented in random order and the election is conducted using a preferential vote.
10. After the election, the representatives of the candidates will be given access to the admin account of the election.
11. After the election the Conducting Officer will post all the cast ballots, in such a way that they cannot be linked to the voters.
12. The final result will be calculated using Instant Runoff Voting, with ties being decided by random chance in a transparent way.
13. It will be considered a criminal offense for any of the candidate representatives or the Conducting Officer to communicate to anyone about the order in which the candidates voted, how the candidates voted (if known) or the email addresses of the different voters or to use this information in any other way than for the conduct of the elections.
14. Exception to clause 13 can be made when the information is used as evidence in a court case.
A9: The 51st Cosa Lord Warden Election Act
This law is currently IN FORCE |
Sponsored by: Glüc da Dhi (MRPT) |
Approved by: L'États |
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Date: 21 August 2017/XXXVIII |
the Cézembrean Senate seat will be contested during the 51st election, and
the Orglaw and the Cézembrean constitution allow the province to conduct its own senatorial election, and
in the absence of provincial legislation the election would be conducted by the chancery, and
WHEREAS Whereas part of the process of growing up as a province is conduting our own elections, and WHEREAS
we should have a discussion about a long term solution for all Cézembrean elections, but
such a solution won't be in time for the upcoming elections, and
Cézembre has conducted its own Sénéchal elections in the past, and
this provides us with a template to conduct the upcoming Sénéchal elections, now
the upcoming election of the Lord Warden will be conducted by the Sénéchal or his appointed agent in accordance with chapter V of the Cézembrean constitution,
Futhermore the following shall be the procedure for the upcoming election of the Lord Warden:
1. The voting phase of the election shall coïncide with the 51st Cosa elections and the nomination phase shall be the week preceding the 51st Cosa elections.
2. If the Conducting Officer, designated by the Constitution decides to run as a candidate, he/she must appoint someone else to act as Conducting Officer in his/her stead.
3. Before the election starts, the person conducting the election must request and be granted access to the Cézembrean section of the electoral database, in accordance with the Provincial Minions Act.
4. All candidates contesting in the election may choose to elect a representative to supervise the elections.
5. A candidate representative as appointed according to clause 4 must be a citizen of Talossa, may not be a candidate in the election, and must request and be granted access to the Cézembrean section of the electoral database, in accordance with the Provincial Minions Act.
6. Before the start of the nomination phase the Conducting Officer will send all voters an email explaining the election procedures. This message must be posted online as well to ensure voters who did not receive the email have the chance to notify the Conducting Officer of the mistake, so it can be fixed.
7. If the Conducting Officer is notified of a change in email address, he/she must report this change to the chancery.
8. The election will be conducted using Ballotbin or a similar automated ballot that is capable of conducting the elections in accordance with the provisions of this act.
9. The settings of the Bin must be so that the Admins can only see the results after the election, the candidates are presented in random order and the election is conducted using a preferential vote.
10. After the election, the representatives of the candidates will be given access to the admin account of the election.
11. After the election the Conducting Officer will post all the cast ballots, in such a way that they cannot be linked to the voters.
12. The final result will be calculated using Instant Runoff Voting, with ties being decided by random chance in a transparent way.
13. It will be considered a criminal offense for any of the candidate representatives or the Conducting Officer to communicate to anyone about the order in which the candidates voted, how the candidates voted (if known) or the email addresses of the different voters or to use this information in any other way than for the conduct of the elections.
14. Exception to clause 13 can be made when the information is used as evidence in a court case.
15. If there is one sole candidate for the position of Lord Warden at the start of the election, no election will be held and the sole candidate will be considered elected to the position.