Statutory Law of Maricopa
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This page is maintained under authority of the provincial government of Maricopa. Make no unauthorized changes. |
The Statutory Law of the Sovereign Province of Maricopa is the record of binding laws passed by the Maricopa Cabana (the hottest spot north of Havana; in Talossan el Cleivi).
Code | Resolution | Date | Status | Approved by |
Constitution of Maricopa (text) | 2009/XXX-11-22 | IN FORCE | ![]() | |
Proclamation of Constitution of Maricopa | 2010/XXXI-1-26 | IN FORCE | ![]() | |
40CL1 | The Keep Asmour in Place Act /
El Praxel per Guardarh Asmour sè Pläts |
2009/XXX-4-8 | Expired | Maricopa Cabana |
40CL2 | The Keep Hool in Place Amendment /
L'Amendamaintsch per Guardarh Tepistà sè Pläts |
2009/XXX-4-8 | EPHEMERAL | Maricopa Cabana |
41CL1 | The "We Don't Have Enough People!" Act | 2010/XXXI-11-6 | IN FORCE | Maricopa Cabana |
43CL1 | Referendum re: Fiôvâ Province | 2012/XXXIII-14-3 | EPHEMERAL | Maricopa Cabana |
43CL1 | Referendum: The Maricopan Capital Constitutional Amendment Act | 2013/XXXIV-4-14 | IN FORCE | Maricopa Cabana |
44CL1 | The Recognition of Poker Tournament Act | 2012/XXXIII-10-31 | EPHEMERAL | Maricopa Cabana |
44CL2 | The Hammurabi Act | 2012/XXXIII-11-25 | IN FORCE | Maricopa Cabana |
44CL3 | The By Any Other Name Act | 2013/XXXIV-2-17 | IN FORCE | Maricopa Cabana |
45CL1 | The Lazy Good-for-Nothings Act | 2013/XXXIV-11-14 | IN FORCE | Maricopa Cabana |
46CL1 | The Maricopans Are an Honorable People Act | 2014/XXXV-4-8 | IN FORCE | Maricopa Cabana |
47CL1 | The "Where in Maricopa is Carmen Sandiego?" Act | 2014/XXXV-11-18 | IN FORCE | Maricopa Cabana |
48CL1 | The We're Still Lazy Good-for-Nothings Act | 2015/XXXVI-11-19 | IN FORCE | Maricopa Cabana |
48CL2 | The We're No Longer Lazy Good-for-Nothings Act | 2015/XXXVI-11-19 | IN FORCE | Maricopa Cabana |
48CL1 | The Slap in the Face to Texans Act | 2016/XXXVII-2-22 | IN FORCE | Maricopa Cabana |
59CL1 | The Let's Avoid This Again Act | 2023/XLIV-11-13 | IN FORCE | Maricopa Cabana |
40CL1: The Keep Asmour in Place Act / El Praxel per Guardarh Asmour sè Pläts
Appointment |
Sponsored by: Iustì Canun |
Approved by: Maricopa Cabana |
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Date: 4 August 2009/XXX |
WHEREAS we have to do this once per term, and
WHEREAS the current Premieir is doing a damn good job,
THEREFORE S:reu Xhorxh Asmour is hereby continued in office for another term.
TANDI QE noi fossent façarh acest viens temp in cadascu stancea, es
TANDI QE el Premieir corentic fäts ben,
PER ACEASTA RAZIUN S:reu Xhorxh Asmour isch perventüra continuat in l'óifisch per 'n altra stancea.
40CL2: The Keep Hool in Place Amendment / L'Amendamaintsch per Guardarh Tepistà sè Pläts
Active |
Sponsored by: Iustì Canun, Xhorxh Asmour |
Approved by: Maricopa Cabana |
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Date: 4 August 2009/XXX |
WHEREAS the current text of Article 11 of the Constituziun reads: "The Governadeir-Xheneral is the representative of the King of Talossa, and as such, shall have veto power over all laws of the Cleivi. The Governadeir-Xheneral is appointed by the King, but must be a citizen of Maricopa, of at least one year pursuant to the Organic Law," and
WHEREAS the Sovereign Province of Maricopa has very few active citizens and thus should not prevent a citizen from another province who is active and competent from being Cunstaval,
THEREFORE the text of Article 11 is amended to read: "The Governadeir-Xheneral is the representative of the King of Talossa, and as such, shall have veto power over all laws of the Cleivi. The Governadeir-Xheneral is appointed by the King."
TANDI QE el text corentic d'Artical 11 dal Cunstituziun zïa: "El Governadeir Xheneral isch el representanteu del Regeu da Talossa, es com'acest, tischa el pevarh da impidamaintsch över toct legeux del Cleivi. El Governadeir Xheneral isch apüntat par el Regeu mas fost estarh 'n citaxhien da Maricopa, da viens ar à mhíus eftir el Legeu Orgänic," es
TANDI QE la Provinçù Soveran da Maricopa tent solamint 'n po dels citaxhiens actíus es per aceasta raziun non fost previnçarh 'n citaxhien d'iensa altra Provinçù qi'st actïu es competint d'estarh el Cunstaval,
PER ACEASTA RAZIUN el text d'Artical 11 isch amendat per zirarh: "El Governadeir Xheneral isch el representanteu del Regeu da Talossa, es com'acest, tischa el pevarh da impidamaintsch över toct legeux del Cleivi. El Governadeir Xheneral isch apüntat par el Regeu."
Urent q'estadra sa: Xhorxh Asmour, Iustì Canun
41CL1: The "We Don't Have Enough People!" Act
Appointment |
Sponsored by: Iustì Canun |
Approved by: Maricopa Cabana |
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Date: 11 June 2010/XXXI |
WHEREAS Article 13 of the Constitution prohibits one person from holding more than one of the offices of Premieir, Governadeir-Xheneral, and Domnul-Senätsesc simultaneously without the Cleivi's consent, and
WHEREAS we don't have very many active citizens in our Otherwise Wonderful Province, and
WHEREAS the previous Premieir has renounced his citizenship,
THEREFORE Iustì Canun is hereby appointed Premieir of the Sovereign Province of Maricopa, upon ratification of this Act.
TANDI QE Artical 13 dal Constituziun tradica qe viensa perziun tent pü qe viens dels óifischen del Premieir, del Governadeir-Xheneral, es del Domnul Senätsesc simuntanmint sanc el Cleivi sè consint, es
TANDI QE noi non tiennent forçeux citaxhiens actíus in ár Provinçù, qi'st Altramint Undervar, es
TANDI QE el Premieir previös tent renunçat sieu citaxhientà,
PAR ACEASTA RAZIUN Iustì Canun isch perventüra apüntat el Premieir dal Provinçù Soveran da Maricopa, sür la ratificaziun d'acest Praxel.
43CL1: Referendum re: Fiôvâ Province
Referendum |
Sponsored by: Iustì Canun |
Approved by: Maricopa Cabana |
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Date: 14 March 2012/XXXIII |
WHEREAS Reunision will soon be complete, and
WHEREAS this is excellent, but
WHEREAS the Chorto-Rodakine citizens need a Province, and
WHEREAS Maricopa has more cantons than active citizens,
THEREFORE it is hereby declared that the cantons of Buffonia and Frédéricville are hereby set aside to become part of the newly-constituted Fiova Province upon passage of legislation currently before the Republic's assembly.
FURTHERMORE the Constitution of the Province will be amended to remove references to these two cantons.
TANDI QE la Rëuniziun bentopt serà compläts, es
TANDI QE acest isch request, mas
TANDI QE els Citaxhiens C'hortorodacheschti neceßent 'n Provinçù, es
TANDI QE Maricopa tent pü dels cantons qe els citaxhiens actíus,
PER ACEASTA RAZIUN c'e perventüra zesclarescu qe els cantons da Paliaçelia es Vilatx Freiric sint perventüra apartadas à zeviénarh 'n pärts dal Provinçù Fiôvâ nouamint costituada, sür la paßaziun da lexhislaziun qi'st corenticmint avant la Republica s'aßemblatx.
PETOSCH la Consituziun dal Provinçù serà amendada svo àð removarh els referencéux à'cestilor doua cantons.
44CL1: Recognition of Poker Tournament Winner Act
Active |
Sponsored by: Dien Tresplet |
Approved by: Maricopa Cabana |
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Date: 31 October 2012/XXXIII |
WHEREAS, The province of Maricopa just held its first ever Poker Tournament, and
WHEREAS, Cunstaval Baron Hooligan was kind enough to lend his face to have a pecan pie thrown at it by the winner, and
WHEREAS, Poker is a great way to increase provincial activity, and
WHEREAS, The real intention is to develop Maricopa into the future Poker Capital of the World, hopefully overtaking Las Vegas, but at least Biloxi, Mississippi, and
WHEREAS, The three of us who played this first game had a good time, and
WHEREAS, Benitian Vitxalmour Conductour beat out myself with a Five of Diamonds and a Jack of Spades to Dien Tresplet's Six of Diamonds and Queen of Clubs, getting a flush on the river, and
WHEREAS, We should recognize his win, even though he is a Benitian, now,
THEREFORE, be it resolved that we, the Cabana, congratulate Vitxalmour Conductour for winning the First Annual Maricopan Poker Tournament!
FURTHERMORE, be it resolved that Vitxalmour and the province of Benito should enjoy being the Champions while they can because the Maricopans will have the win and reclaim ourselves next year.
TANDI QE, la provinçù da Maricopa viens da holdarh sieu prüm Tornamaintsch da Poker, es
TANDI QE, el Cunstaval, el Baron Tepistà, esteva aßei cüf à prestarh sieu faça, à qet el gagnheir povadra xhetarh 'n crust pecan, es
TANDI QE, el Poker isch 'n vej grült per cauçarh l'actività in la provinçù à grültiçarh, es
TANDI QE, l'intenziun vräts isch à cambiarh Maricopa àl Capital Mondial da Poker in fütür, es ideamint àð üpernicarh Las Vegas, mas à mhíus Biloxi, Mississippi, es
TANDI QE, els tres dad üns qe xhuevent aceasta xhu prüma petrechevent, es
TANDI QE, el Benitan, Vitxalmour Conductour vintscheva da Simca da Diamants es Lançeir da Vesc'has, es Dien Tresplet sè Sex da Diamants es Rexhina da Treflas, es becomev'iens flusch sür la fiova, es
TANDI QE, noi fossent reconéiçarh sieu victoria, ívenðo o isch 'n Benitan, nun,
PER ACEASTA RAZIUN, ¡q'estadra resolvescu qe noi, el Cleivi, gratülescharh Vitxalmour Conductour, per sieu victoria in el Prüm Tornamaintsch Aresc Maricopan da Poker!
PETOSCH, q'estadra resolvescu qe Vitxalmour es la provinçù da Benito fossent enxhoiarh estind els ceampiuns quand os povent parç q'els Maricopas gagnarhent es ridentarh-se in l'anneu próxim.
Noi urent q'estadra sa: Dien Tresplet (C-3PO "King") Béneditsch Ardpresteir Txec Róibeard Nordselva
44CL2: The Hammurabi Act
Active |
Sponsored by: Iustì Canun |
Approved by: Maricopa Cabana |
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Date: 25 November 2012/XXXIII |
WHEREAS there is presently no provincial official charged with keeping track of the Acts and Amendments passed by the Maricopan Cleivi, and
WHEREAS we really ought to have such an official,
THEREFORE the position of Provincial Secretary is created, and charged with maintaining the Maricopan Digest of Laws, and
FURTHERMORE the Premieir is hereby empowered to appoint and dismiss the Provincial Secretary at the Premieir's discretion.
Uréu q'estadra sa: S:reu Iustì Canun, UrGP (Premieir)
44CL3: The By Any Other Name Act
Active |
Sponsored by: Iustì Canun |
Approved by: Maricopa Cabana |
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Date: 17 February 2013/XXXIV |
WHEREAS there exist smaller divisions than Cantons within the Province (i.e. Parishes and Townships), and
WHEREAS none of these smaller divisions yet have names, and
WHEREAS, following Reunision, the place that used to be our Provincial Capitol is now in Fiôvâ,
THEREFORE the following names for the 11 Parishes of Maricopa are hereby designated by law:
In the Canton of Ovestia, or in English, Wesernia:
The name Pleiv Ian Minet (Eng. John Minot Parish) is assigned to the parish whose border runs southeast along North Farwell Avenue from its intersection with Brady Street, turning north at the intersection with North Franklin Place, then east along East Pleasant Street to North Astor Street, then north to Brady Street, following it east back to the intersection with North Farwell Avenue. The name Pleiv Freiric Corïu (Eng. Frédéric Maugey Parish) is assigned to the parish whose border follows North Franklin Place south from its intersection with East Pleasant Street to North Prospect Avenue, following Prospect southwest to East Juneau Avenue, then east along Juneau to turn north onto North Astor Street, following Astor to its intersection with East Pleasant Street, which it follows east back to North Franklin Place.
In the Canton of Zuerieiria, or in English, Murphysboro:
The name Pleiv Caß (Eng. Cass Parish) is assigned to the parish whose borders are defined by the quadrilateral formed by East Brady Street, North Astor Street, North Van Buren Street, and East Lyon Street. The name Pleiv Solomò Xhuno (Eng. Solomon Juneau Parish) is assigned to the parish lying within the quadrilateral formed by East Lyon Street, North Aster Street, East Juneau Street, and North Van Buren Street.
In the Canton of Taglheiria, or in English, Schneideria:
The name Pleiv C'hav Beat (Eng. Bud Selig Parish) is assigned to the parish whose border runs south from the River along North Humboldt Avenue, turns east onto East Brady Street, following Brady east to North Warren Avenue, which it follows north until it becomes East Boylston Street, then along the Caesar Park walking path to the River, which forms the northern border of the parish. The name Pleiv Val Moritz (Eng. Dale Morris Parish) is assigned to the parish whose border runs south from the River along North Humboldt Avenue, turning west onto East Brady Street, following Brady to North Astor Street, Astor north to East Land Place, then Land west to North Marshall Street, which it follows south to East Hamilton Street, Hamilton west to North Cass Street, Cass south to East Pearson Street, following Pearson west to North Water Street, Water southwest to North Van Buren Street, then northwest along Van Buren to the River, which forms its north border. The name Pleiv Barry Manilow (Eng. Barry Manilow Parish) is assigned to the parish whose border runs south along Van Buren Street from its intersection with North Water Street, turns east to follow East Brady Street to North Astor Street, which it follows north to East Land Place, then Land west to North Marshall Street, which it follows south to East Hamilton Street, Hamilton west to North Cass Street, Cass south to East Pearson Street, following Pearson west to North Water Street, Water southwest its intersection with North Van Buren Street.
In the Canton of Sandadia, or in English, Prachelion:
The name Pleiv Cresti Siervicül (Eng. Cresti Siervicül Parish) is assigned to the parish whose border runs south from the River along Van Buren Street, turns west onto East Lyon Street, which it follows to North Milwaukee Street, then to North Water Street, following Water northeast to East Pleasant Street, following Pleasant to the River, which forms its northwestern border. The name Pleiv Dixhet Ischpirabuerg (Eng. Gary Schwichtenberg Parish) is assigned to the parish whose border follows East Pleasant Street southeast from the River to North Water Street, which it follows southwest to East Lyon Street, turning to the east and following Lyon to North Van Buren Street, which it follows south to turn west along East Ogden Avenue, following Ogden to North Broadwat Street, Broadway south to East Knapp Street, then north along North Water Street to East Cherry Street, which it follows to the River, which forms its northwestern border. The name Pleiv Tomás Paliaçéu (Eng. Tom Buffone Parish) is assigned to the parish whose border runs from the intersection of East Ogden Avenue and North Van Buren Street, south along Van Buren to East Juneau Ave, west along Juneau to North Milwaukee, then north to East Knapp Street, east to North Broadway Street, and north to East Odgen Avenue, running along Ogden back to North Van Buren Street. The name Pleiv Capital (Eng. Capital Parish) is assigned to the parish whose border runs from the River east along East Juneau Avenue to North Milwaukee Street, north along Milwaukee to East Knapp Street, west to North Water Street, and north to East Cherry Street, following it to the River, which forms its western border.
FURTHERMORE the Capitol of the Province is hereby designated Casa Lupulardit (Eng. Stolfi House), located at 1200 North Broadway Street.
Uréu q'estadra sa: Iustì Canun, Premieir dal Provinçù Soveran da Maricopa.
45CL1: The Lazy Good-for-Nothings Act
Active |
Sponsored by: Iusti Canun |
Approved by: Maricopa Cabana |
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Date: 14 November 2013/XXXIV |
WHEREAS the OrgLaw specifies that a Province must conduct its own Senatorial elections unless it specifically asks the Kingdom Chancery to conduct said election, and
WHEREAS the Kingdom's current Secretary of State is Maricopan anyway, and
WHEREAS it doesn't seem likely that the Secretary of State will quit his job any time soon,
THEREFORE the Cleivi resolves that Maricopan Senäts elections shall be conducted by the Kingdom Chancery until the Secretary of State is no longer a citizen of Maricopa Province or until this act is repealed, whichever happens first.
46CL1: The Maricopans Are an Honorable People Act
Active |
Sponsored by: Txec Róibeard Nordselva |
Approved by: Maricopa Cabana |
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Date: 8 April 2014/XXXV |
WHEREAS there is no current method, other than via proclamation, of honoring our citizens, and;
WHEREAS there really should be something in place, and;
WHEREAS let's do something about that;
THEREFORE let it be resolved by the Cabana that the following provincial law shall be enacted:
We, the people of the Sovereign Province of Maricopa, do hereby create the Order of the Sovereign Province of Maricopa (Urderi dal Provinçù Soveran da Maricopa). Members of the Order shall be chosen by the Cunstaval, on the advice of the Premieir, via Proclamation. Members shall be entitled to bear the post nominal letters O.SPM or U.PSM. signifying their membership in the Order. The Premieir shall sit ex officio as Chancellor of the Order.
Uréu q'estadra sa:
D:r Txec dal Nordselva, Premieir dal Provinçù Soveran da Maricopa
47CL1: The "Where in Maricopa is Carmen San Diego" Act
Active |
Sponsored by: Iusti Canun |
Approved by: Maricopa Cabana |
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Date: 2014/XXXV |
WHEREAS there have, in the past, been inquisitive persons who have wanted to know what Canton and/or Parish they live in, and
WHEREAS I was one of these people,
THEREFORE the Cabana hereby enacts the following method of Parish assignment into law:
In the Canton of Wesernia:
John Minot Parish: Maricopan citizens living in the nations of the Indian subcontinent. Frédéric Maugey Parish: Maricopan citizens living in Mexico and the nations of Central America.
In the Canton of Murphysboro:
Cass Parish: Maricopan citizens living in the nations of South America. Solomon Juneau Parish: Maricopan citizens living in the nations of Spain and Andorra.
In the Canton of Schneideria:
Bud Selig Parish: Maricopan citizens living in the US state of California. Dale Morris Parish: Maricopan citizens living in the US state of Hawai'i. Barry Manilow Parish: Maricopan citizens living in the US state of Texas.
In the Canton of Prachelion:
Cresti Siervicül Parish: Maricopan citizens living in the US state of Oklahoma. Gary Schwichtenberg Parish: Maricopan citizens living in the US state of New Mexico. Tom Buffone Parish: Maricopan citizens living in the US state of Arizona. Capital Parish: Maricopan citizens living in the US state of Wisconsin, including those who would otherwise have been assigned to different Provinces.
FURTHERMORE, since certain anomalous Provincial assignments must be accounted for, due to the law regarding "closed" provinces (Lex.E.7.13-15), the following is also put into effect:
Maricopan citizens who would otherwise have been assigned to Atatürk Province are assigned to Capital Parish. Maricopan citizens who would otherwise have been assigned to Benito Province are assigned to Tom Buffone Parish. Maricopan citizens who would otherwise have been assigned to Cézembre Province are assigned to Frédéric Maugey Parish. Maricopan citizens who would otherwise have been assigned to Fiôvâ Province are assigned to Dale Morris Parish. Maricopan citizens who would otherwise have been assigned to Florencia Province are assigned to Solomon Juneau Parish. Maricopan citizens who would otherwise have been assigned to Maritiimi-Maxhestic Province are assigned to Cresti Siervicül Parish. Maricopan citizens who would otherwise have been assigned to Vuode Province are assigned to Bud Selig Parish.
FURTHER-FURTHERMORE, citizens of Maricopa who actually inhabit the Province are assigned to the parish in which they live.
El Praxel «¿Dovestà Carmina Santxec in Maricopa?»
TANDI QE hi estevent, in el paßescu, dals perziuns preguntons qi veleva säparh el Cantò es/eda el Pleiv qe þavitent, es
TANDI QE esteveu viens d'acestilor,
PER ACEASTA RAZIUN el Cleivi perventüra enacta aceasta meþoda d'aßinmeteu da Pleivs ainciün el legeu:
In el Cantò d'Ovestia:
Pleiv Ian Minet: Citaxhiens da Maricopa qe þavitent las naziuns del subcuntanint Hindustani. Pleiv Freiric Corïu: Citaxhiens da Maricopa qe þavitent Mexico es las naziuns d'America Central.
In el Cantò da Zuerieiria:
Pleiv Caß: Citaxhiens da Maricopa qe þavitent las naziuns d'America Meridional. Pleiv Solomò Xhuno: Citaxhiens da Maricopa qe þavitent las naziuns d'Espain es d'Anduora.
In el Cantò da Taglheiria:
Pleiv C'hav Beat: Citaxhiens da Maricopa qe þavitent l'estat da California. Pleiv Val Moritz: Citaxhiens da Maricopa qe þavitent l'estat da Havaiï. Plies Barry Manilow: Citaxhiens da Maricopa qe þavitent l'estat da Texas
In el Cantò da Sandadia:
Pleiv Cresti Siervicül: Citaxhiens da Maricopa qe þavitent l'estat d'Oklahoma. Pleiv Dixhet Ischpirabuerg: Citaxhiens da Maricopa qe þavitent l'estat da Noveu Mexico. Pleiv Tomás Paliaçéu: Citaxhiens da Maricopa qe þavitent l'estat d'Arizona. Pleiv Capital: Citaxhiens da Maricopa qe þavitent l'estat da Visconça, includind acestilor qi altramint veladra tirh estescu aðsignheschti à'iensa ödra Provinçù.
PETOSCH, parç qe si tent àð acomodarh dels aßinmeteux ancoþvoureschti da Provinçù, à c'hauça del legeu profta las provinçuns "fermadas" (Lex.E.7.13-15), el sovind ocsà isch enactescu: Citaxhiens da Maricopa qi altramint veladra tirh estescu aðsignhescu àl Provinçù d'Atatürk sint aðsignheschti àl Pleiv Capital. Citaxhiens da Maricopa qi altramint veladra tirh estescu aðsignhescu àl Provinçù da Benito sint aðsignheschti àl Pleiv Tomás Paliaçéu. Citaxhiens da Maricopa qi altramint veladra tirh estescu aðsignhescu àl Provinçù da Cézembre sint aðsignheschti àl Pleiv Freiric Corïu. Citaxhiens da Maricopa qi altramint veladra tirh estescu aðsignhescu àl Provinçù da Fiôvâ sint aðsignheschti àl Pleiv Val Moritz. Citaxhiens da Maricopa qi altramint veladra tirh estescu aðsignhescu àl Provinçù da Florencia sint aðsignheschti àl Pleiv Solomò Xhuno. Citaxhiens da Maricopa qi altramint veladra tirh estescu aðsignhescu àl Provinçù da Maritiimi-Maxhestic sint aðsignheschti àl Pleiv Cresti Siervicül. Citaxhiens da Maricopa qi altramint veladra tirh estescu aðsignhescu àl Provinçù da Vuode sint aðsignheschti àl Pleiv C'hav Beat.
PÜ PETOSCH, citaxhiens da Maricopa qi actualmint þavitent la Provinçù sint aðsignheschti àl pleiv dove vivent.
Uréu q'estadra sa: S:reu Iustì Canun, UrGP.
48CL1: The We're Still Lazy Good-for-Nothings Act
Active |
Sponsored by: Munditenens Tresplet |
Approved by: Maricopa Cabana |
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Date: 19 November 2015/XXXVI |
WHEREAS, OrgLaw requires that provinces conduct their own Senatorial elections unless the province specifically makes a request to the Secretary of State to conduct the election, and
WHEREAS, In November of 2013 the Maricopa Cabana, the hottest spot north of Havana, passed 45CL1 which specified that the Secretary of State shall conduct our Senatorial elections, and
WHEREAS, 45CL1 had a clause which terminated the request for the Secretary of State to conduct our Senatorial elections in the event that the Secretary is no longer a citizen of this wonderful province, and
WHEREAS, The position of Secretary of State no longer belongs to a citizen of this wonderful province, thereby terminating 45CL1, and
WHEREAS, The term of office of the current Senator of Maricopa expires at the end of this Cosa, and
WHEREAS, It is still the official position of the people of Maricopa that, with regards to conducting our own elections, we are still Lazy Good-for-Nothings,
THEREFORE, The Cabana hereby resolves that Maricopan Senäts elections shall be conducted by the Chancery of the Kingdom of Talossa until such time as this act is repealed, or in the event there are no longer any citizens of the province who are fans of Barry Manilow, whichever happens first.
Uréu q'estadra sa:
Munditenens Tresplet
48CL2: The We're No Longer Lazy Good-for-Nothings Act
Active |
Sponsored by: Munditenens Tresplet |
Approved by: Maricopa Cabana |
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Date: 19 November 2015/XXXVI |
WHEREAS, OrgLaw requires that provinces conduct their own Senatorial elections unless the province specifically makes a request to the Secretary of State to conduct the election, and
WHEREAS, In November of 2013 the Maricopa Cabana, the hottest spot north of Havana, passed 45CL1 which specified that the Secretary of State shall conduct our Senatorial elections, and
WHEREAS, 45CL1 had a clause which terminated the request for the Secretary of State to conduct our Senatorial elections in the event that the Secretary is no longer a citizen of this great province, and
WHEREAS, The position of Secretary of State no longer belongs to a citizen of this great province, thereby terminating 45CL1, and
WHEREAS, The term of office of the current Senator of Maricopa expires at the end of this Cosa, and
WHEREAS, There is an interest in conducting our own Senatorial elections rather than pass them off to the Chancery, so
THEREFORE, The Cabana hereby directs the Provincial Secretary to draft a proposal for the conduction of future Maricopan Senäts elections, to be submitted to this body for consideration no later than two weeks following the date this bill passes. The proposed method by which the election would be conducted shall be at the determination of the Provincial Secretary, but at no time shall any proposal exclude the option of casting a secret ballot.
FURTHERMORE, In the event that the Cabana has not approved such a proposal at least ten days prior to the start of the election for the 49th Cosa, the Premieir of Maricopa shall be duly authorized to reserve the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City for the purpose of conducting the Maricopan Senatorial election for the 49th Cosa by a method that mirrors a Papal Conclave.
FURTHER-FURTHERMORE, Should the Premieir be unable to reserve the Sistine Chapel at least nine days prior to the start of the election for the 49th Cosa, the Cabana hereby requests that the Chancery of the Kingdom of Talossa conduct the Maricopan Senatorial election for the 49th Cosa.
Uréu q'estadra sa:
Munditenens Tresplet
49CL1: The Slap in the Face to Texans Act
Active |
Sponsored by: Munditenens Tresplet |
Approved by: Maricopa Cabana |
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Date: 22 February 2015/XXXVI |
WHEREAS, in 2013 we named our cantons after prominent Maricopans, Talossans, and Cestours; and
WHEREAS, in 2014 we passed a bill to geographically define which Maricopans belonged to which canton; and
WHEREAS, one particular canton is currently named after an individual whose vile actions have recently came to light; and
WHEREAS, Maricopans who live in this individual's state are currently "assigned" to the province which bears his namesake; and
WHEREAS, this individual's heinous crimes render him undeserving of such a high honor; and
WHEREAS, this individual has already been removed from the Order of the Sovereign Province of Maricopa due to his actions; and
WHEREAS, it has also came to light that we never named a canton after the greatest songwriter of our time; so
THEREFORE, be it resolved that 44CL3 is hereby amended by striking all references to "Iustì Canun" and inserting the name "Barry Manilow", and
FURTHERMORE, be it resolved that 47CL1 is hereby amended by striking all references to "Iustì Canun" and inserting the name "Barry Manilow".
Uréu q'estadra sa: Munditenens Tresplet, O.SPM
59CL1: The Let's Avoid This Again Act
Active |
Sponsored by: Sir Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă |
Approved by: Maricopa Cabana |
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Date: 2023/XLIV |
WHEREAS, it has been several years since any legislation was introduced in the Cleivi, and
WHEREAS, this last few elections for Premieir was interesting to say the least, and
WHEREASthere are no set rules in place for electing a new Premieir, and
WHEREAS, I think we should do something about it.
THEREFORE, I think we should do something about it.
Nominations for Premieir shall be opened by the current Premieir within one month of every National Election. Nomination periods shall be two weeks. The election for Premieir shall commence immediately upon the end of the nomination period. Elections for Premieir shall remain open for a period of two weeks.
FURTHERMORE, Should no candidate gain a majority of the votes, the current Premieir shall remain in office until the end of the Cosa term when new elections shall be called.
Uréu q'estadra sa: Sir Txec dal Nordselva, O.SPM
44R2: The Maricopan Capital Constitutional Amendment Act
Active |
Sponsored by: Txec Róibeard Nordselva |
Approved by: Maricopa Referendum |
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Date: 14 April 2013/XXXIV |
'WHEREAS' in the Consitution of Maricopa, Article 4 the capital of Maricopa is designated as Arditescubuerg
and 'WHEREAS' there has been great discussion among Maricopans about the name and location of the said capital
and 'WHEREAS' it makes no sense for the constitution to specify a capital name
'BE IT RESOLVED' that Article 4 be amended to read:
The capital of the Province is Arditescubuerg (in English, McGarriton), after the province’s first Governor-General. shall be designated by statute.
'FURTHERMORE' the Cabana shall put this amendment before the citizens of Maricopa in a referendum.
Uréu q'estadra sa: Txec Nordselva