Ministry of Immigration

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Bureau of Immigration
Current Head: The Most Hon. Dame Miestră Schivă, UrN MC
Function: To promote and manage immigration to the Kingdom.

The Mnistry of Immigration (glheþ: La Ministra dàl Înmigraziun) is a bureau of the Interior Ministry, responsible for the execution of the Kingdom's laws pertaining to immigration of new citizens into the realm (both those who live in the Talossan territory and cybercits. The bureau is headed by the Deputy Interior Minister responsible for Immigration. The Deputy Minister and other officers of the Bureau of Immigration work closely with the Chancery and its Bureau of the Census to ensure that all incoming citizens are properly processed through immigration as provided by law.

The current Minister is the Most Hon. Dame Miestră Schivă, UrN MC.

The Bureau contains a single subdivision:

  • The New Citizens' Coterie (NCC), which creates informational material for prospective and new citizens, oversees the TALOSSAssistant Programme to assist prospective citizens in making a smooth transition from a non-Talossan to a Talossan life, and operates a service called El Lüverveu (The Librarian) to help prospective and new citizens find specific information from the vast library of Talossan written works and archives.
Talossans who become TALOSSAssistants for 5 or more Prospective Citizens (and become full citizens), will receive the new "Immigration Achievement Award" per a Press Release by the Minister or Deputy Interior Minister.
Talossan citizens whose personal invitations to become Talossan are accepted, leading to a growth in the populace, are eligible to receive the Prime Minister's Patriotic Award.

See also