Prince Patrick

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Prince Patrick

His Grace Patrick, or "Patch" (Patrick Richard Woolley, b. 1 December 1982), is King John's second son and third-eldest child. He was formerly the Prince of Prospect, heir presumptive to the throne of Talossa, until the hereditary succession was abolished. Patrick became Talossan on 23 August 2005 and Prince of Prospect upon the elevation of his father to the throne on March 14, 2007. On 6 August 2011, he was created Duke of Florencia, a member of the peerage.

Patrick has served in Talossan government as Attorney-General, and in the Ziu as both a member of the Cosa and a Senator.

A graduate of the University of Northern Colorado, Patrick earned his J.D. degree from George Mason University School of Law in Arlington, Virginia. He resides in Alexandria, Virginia, where he is partner and founder of a law firm specialising in criminal defense, estate law, consumer protection, and family law.


Preceded by
King Louis
Prince of Prospect
March 14, 2007/XXVIII - Present
Succeeded by
position abolished
Preceded by
Constable of Florencia
TBD - 13 July 2011
Succeeded by
Litz Cjantscheir
Preceded by
Sir John Woolley, UrN
Senator for Florencia
37th Cosa - Dissolution of the 38th Cosa
Succeeded by
Ieremiac'h Ventrutx
Preceded by
Succeeded by
T.M. Asmourescu
Preceded by
Audradâ d'Aurìbuérg
Governor of Florencia
9 March 2016 - Present
Succeeded by