Ieremiac'h Ventrutx

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Ieremiac'h Ventrutx

Ieremiac'h Ventrutx (Jeremiah Griffin) is the incumbent Constable of Belacostă Province, former Senator for Florencia Province, and a former Seneschal of the Kingdom of Talossa.

Ventrutx became a Talossan citizen on 1 March 1997. He was involved in the secession that formed the Talossan Republic on 1 June 2004, returning to the Kingdom in 2008. A citizen of Florencia Province, he resides in the U.S. state of Illinois with his non-Talossan wife and their four Talossan Dandelions.


Preceded by
Baron Hooligan
23 October 2008/XXIX - 20 July 2009/XXX
Succeeded by
Iustì Canun
Preceded by
Prince Patrick
Senator for Florencia
39th Cosa - 44th Cosa (Clark 3)
Succeeded by
Audradâ d'Aurìbuérg
Preceded by
Constable for Belacostă
13 July 2011 - Present
Succeeded by
Preceded by
Alexandreu Davinescu
Minister of Stuff
14 March 2008/XXIX - 7 November 2008/XXIX
Succeeded by
Viteu Marcianüs
Preceded by
Governor of Florencia
(TBD) - (TBD)
Succeeded by
Baron Hooligan