Resolution Condemning the Printing of Money (Vuode)

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Code Resolution Date Status Approved by
1REX2 Resolution Condemning the Printing of Money 2010/XXXI-2-12 IN FORCE Estats Xhenerais

WHEREAS money is the root of all evil, and

WHEREAS that's not the actual quote, the actual quote is "the pursuit of money is the root of all evil, but

WHEREAS here in Vuode misquotes are good enough for us, and

WHEREAS money is out of sync with the current Vuodean trend/brand name called "Vuode 21,"--an Anarcho-Syndicalist movement, now

THEREFORE, does the Cußeglh of Vuode condem the national government for its attempts to print money and applauds the apathy that has allowed for the stagnation of this topic for years.

In Solidarity, Fellow Worker Dréu (Dréu Gavárþic'h)