Sant-Enogat Cabinet

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The Cabinet of þerxh Sant-Enogat was the government of Talossa from January to July 2024/XLV. Following the elections of the 59th Cosa, Sant-Enogat was nominated Distain, MinImm and MinSTUFF in the first Excelsio cabinet. As Distain, he became Seneschal when Bråneu Excelsio resigned from all his Cabinet positions and from his Talossan citizenship on 6 January 2024/XLV. The Sant-Enogat cabinet was announced on January 24th 2024.

The Sant-Enogat Cabinet was arguably neither a majority government nor a minority government, as it held 100 seats in the Cosă; while it could not pass legislation without at least one opposition MC voting in favor, as long as all of its MCs supported it, it could not lose a vote of confidence (as that would have required the No votes to outnumber the Yes votes).


Party key   Talossan National Congress

þerxh Sant-Enogat Cabinet
Inaugurated 24 Janvier 2024
Portfolio Minister Term
Cabinet ministers
Prime Minister   The Rt. Hon. þerxh Sant-Enogat 6 Jan - 14 Jul 2024
Immigration Minister 12 Nov 2023 - 15 July 2024
STUFF Minister
Deputy Prime Minister The Rt. Hon. Breneir Tzaracomprada 24 Jan - 15 July 2024
Justice Minister
The Rt Hon. Baron Alexandreu Davinescu 23 Feb - 15 July 2024
Finance Minister 25 Feb 2023 - 15 July 2024
Technology Minister The Rt Hon. Danihel Txechescu 25 Feb 2023 - 15 July 2024
Defence Minister The Rt Hon. Mximo Carbonel 12 Nov 2023 - 15 July 2024
Culture Minister The Rt Hon. Carlüs Éovart Vilaçafat 24 Jan - 15 July 2024