The history of the Kingdom of Talossa is long and illustrious. While the roots of the nation lie with our ancient Berber forebears and the local heritage of neighbouring Milwaukee, the history of Talossa itself is comparably more recent.
Dictator Era (Dictatür Atx) (1979-1981)
This period of Talossan history, called Dictatür Atx (pronounced [diktɐˈtyɾ aːʒ]), is marked by almost complete Madisonian dominance, with every single aspect of Talossan life defined and controlled by the founder, Robert I. His legal powers are dictatorial and generally unlimited.
- 26 December 1979/I - Talossa is founded as a one-person "democratic dictatorship" by Robert I. Initial Declaration is written. Gary Cone is recognized as the U.S. Ambassador to Talossa.
- 11 January 1980/I - Dictatorship abandoned in favor of "Communist People's Republic." The date of this failed coup is still commemorated in Talossa as Labour Day.
- 10 February 1980/I - Atheistic communism abandoned; return to dictatorship. (Some reports claim that the communist coup failed on 1/11, later on the same day it began.)
- 1 August 1980/I - Støtanneu begins regular publication as the first Talossan media.
- 1 September 1980/I - Gary Cone no longer recognized as U.S. Ambassador and treated as persona non grata when his theism is discovered.
- 24 September 1980/I - Third Talossan Revolution. Talossa becomes a republic for the first time. Antarctica and Portugal annexed in first claimed expansion of Talossan territory.
- 8 October 1980/I - Republic abandoned; return to dictatorship as Robert I reassumes the throne for the second time. Claims to Antarctica and Portugal abandoned.
- 18 November 1980/I - Declaration of war against Gary Cone's Glib Room Empire, following physical assault by Cone against Robert I's sister, Jennifer Madison.
- 21 November 1980/I- John Jahn recognized as new U.S. Ambassador. Simultaneously, Jahn forms the state of KJK according to the ideals of Robert I's "World Singular Secession." The KJK and Talossa are joined by John Eiffler's "Kingdom of Thord" in a "League of Secessionist States," or "LOSS". LOSS unites in war against the Glib Room Empire.
- 25 November 1980/I - Battle of the Garage. Glib Room Empire formally surrenders; end of the seven-day Cone War.
- 29 November 1980/I - John Jahn resigns as U.S. Ambassador over dispute about racism.
- 11 December 1980/I - Robert I decrees the creation of the Talossan language. The following day sees its first use and is commemorated as Llimbaziua.
- 1 July 1981/II - Talossa adds first citizens other than Robert I: Dan Lorentz, Josh Macht, Robert Murphy, Harry Wozniak, and Dawn Scher become nonvoting citizens.
- 14 July 1981/II - Robert I abdicates and leaves Talossa, giving as his reasons his belief that his dedication to Talossa is proving a hindrance to his ambition to meet and date girls.
- 22 July 1981/II - Robert I returns to Talossa, having spent a week striking out with girls despite his abdication.
- 8 August 1981/II - Robert I reassumes the throne for the third time; first elections announced. Robert I forms right-wing Royal Socialist Party. Dan Lorentz forms left-wing Democratic Dandipratic Party.
- 18 September 1981/II - First elections begin.
- 22 September 1981/II - "Regipäts Talossán" is coined by Robert I as name of nation.
- 27 September 1981/II - First elections end. The DDP takes majority with three votes over the RSP's two.
Expansion Era (Expança Atx) (1981-1983)
In this era, called Expança Atx (pronounced [ɛksˈpans‿aːʒ]), Talossa begins to be influenced by people other than Robert I, if only slightly, and large annexations are made of new land, with the borders of Talossa expanding and contracting wildly until they assume roughly modern proportions. The country remains essentially a dictatorship.
- 28 September 1981/II - Dan Lorentz is sworn in as first Seneschal.
- 11 October 1981/II - Seneschal Lorentz is removed by Robert I.
- 18 October 1981/II - The RSP is dissolved. Robert I forms the Thundersword Movement as a new fascist party after being defeated as Senior Class President by what he would later call "mobs of racist Blacks".
- 9 January 1982/III - Robert I abdicates. Council for Nationalist Victory instituted to rule the country.
- 21 January 1982/III - Council for Nationalist Victory abolished. Robert I reassumes the throne for the fourth time.
- 9 March 1982/III – Pengöpäts is annexed as unpopulated territory by Talossa.
- 16 March 1982/III – Cheap Glory Act enacted by Robert I; Madison home (now officially Vuode Province), nearby Downer Woods, and a local beach in modern Atatürk Province is added to Talossan territory.
- 2 April 1982/III – Talossa declares a sympathy war against Argentina, siding with Great Britain in the Falklands War.
- 17 April 1982/III – Treaty of Shorewood. Area comprising Lake Park, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, and Riverside High School (Mussolini – now Belacostă – Province) ceded to Talossa by current U.S. Ambassador. Talossa also annexes other areas of Milwaukee, including the area of Mitchell Airport. Annexations are poorly recorded and unsubstantive.
- 17 August 1982/III – Cézembre annexed (Cézembre Province).
- 1 January 1983/IV – First Cabinet ministers named. Dan Lorentz returns as Seneschal, Bob Murphy becomes Foreign Minister, and John Jahn as War Minister (effective the following month).
- 26 January 1983/IV – Edgewood Proclamation. Talossa assumes defined shape closely resembling modern borders.
Establishment Era (Cünstavalità Atx) (1983- 1990)
Many of the myths and traditions that would later define the nation are established or sparked in this Cünstavalità Atx (pronounced [kynstɐvɐɫiˈtaːʒ]), while royal power is decreased tremendously in deferment to the increasing importance of the citizenry to Talossa as democracy is introduced.
- 1 May 1983/IV – Theft of the flag of Talossa; Holiday of Hatred established.
- 22 May 1984/V – Robert I announces the Berber Hypothesis.
- 16 October 1984/V – The first major media article on Talossa is published, by Seneschal Dan Lorentz in the Milwaukee Sentinel. The date of publication is commemorated to this day as Publicity Day.
- 26 December 1984/V – The Ziu is created by Robert I; the Senäts is appointed by the King and the Cosâ is elected. The Senäts remains empty and is not used.
- 23 April 1985/VI – John Jahn’s Talossa National News is created as the first opposition paper.
- 12 May 1985/VI – A 1985 Organic Law is established by the King; the rambling document grants veto authority to Robert I on every aspect of Talossa and is still superseded by the first Declaration, but sets up the Ziu and other traditions.
- 22 July 1985/VI – Elections become more free, as non-votes cease to be automatic votes for the Robert I.
- 1 January 1986/VII – Vuode Crisis: Premier Dan Lorentz vows to secede Vuode from Talossa.
- 10 March 1986/VII – Vuode Crisis ends upon public referendum about Vuode’s future.
- 10 January 1987/VIII – Robert I clarks a referendum to name Robert Dobberpuhl, recent immigrant to Talossa, as the new King to try to defer calls for full democracy.
- 11 February 1987/VIII – After the referendum returns a slight majority in favor of Dobberpuhl, he is sworn in as Robert II. The Constitution is declared void.
- 29 March 1987/VIII – A Lorentz government deposes Robert II and enacts strong strictures on royal power, beginning the brief and unofficial "Peculiar Republic" period of Talossa.
- 15 August 1987/VIII – Sandee Prachel becomes Talossa's first female Seneschal.
- 24 August 1987/VIII – After a referendum on the topic, Florence Yarney (formerly Robert I's English teacher in high school) is sworn in as King Florence I. Five-month "Peculiar Republic" ends.
- 1 September 1987/VIII – The first Clark (legislative agenda and report) is compiled, named for the shop (Clark Graphics) where they were photocopied.
- 1 October 1987/VIII – King Florence I is retitled Queen Florence I by the Cosa after briefly being officially Kingess Florence I. The citizenship essay "What Talossa Means To Me" is established by an act of Cosa, and all new citizens are required to purchase Robert I's book The History of Talossa.
- 27 February 1988/IX – Florence I abdicates, and Robert I is restored to the throne with limited powers in the Restoration.
- 24 June 1988/IX – Creation of the Constituziun by Robert I, Dan Lorentz, Andrew Wozniack, John Jahn, and Bob Murphy. King’s power is limited into narrow channels of veto and the Seneschal acquires the power of Prime Dictates.
- 21 January 1989/X – First Living Cosa held by Seneschal Tom Buffone.
- 1 April 1989/X – Jennifer Madison creates the Talossan Sponge Party, the first of the apathy parties.
- 26 December 1989/X – Tenth anniversary of Talossa's founding.
- 14 February 1990/XI – A direct mail campaign by John Jahn's Talossan Nationalist Party marks the advent of modern electioneering in Talossa.
Quiet Era (Þagal Atx) (1990-1994)
Pronounced IPA: [θɐˈɡaw aːʒ], it is one of the most serious periods of general inactivity and diminishment of interest in Talossa, marked by a series of failing governments. Several scandals occur, thanks in part to the necessity of placing new and untested – but active - citizens into high positions.
- 1 April 1990/XI – A longer period of general inactivity begins with the nation’s first Vote of No Confidence, ousting Seneschal Harry Wozniak.
- 15 November 1990/XI – The National Destiny Referendum of Robert I asks Talossa whether the status quo should be maintained under the Constituziun, the country should return to a dictatorship, or if Talossa should be dissolved. Voters affirm the status quo, but the move sparks little interest.
- 13 August 1991/XII – Robert I offers the Covenant of Rights and Freedoms as a referendum, and it passes.
- 30 October 1991/XII – The Cosa passes reforms that permit the elimination of “dead citizens” from the rolls.
- 14 January 1992/XIII – After the introduction of write-in votes and some subsequent joke votes for "Mickey Mouse", Dan Lorentz and Josh Macht register the Mickey Mouse Movement and claim the votes in the first instance of Joke Maneuvering.
- 1 April 1992/XIII – Seneschal John Jahn dissolves the government to avoid an incipient Vote of No Confidence due to political maneuvering by Robert I.
- 9 April 1992/XIII – Talossa recognizes the new province of Bradford, formed by the Harry Wozniak, Bob Murphy, and Dan Lorentz.
- 1 June 1992/XIII – Seneschal Tom Buffone is voted No Confidence after refusing to fill his Cosa seats or engage in any activity as Seneschal. Buffone claims he did not authorize the issuance of a Clark, so the vote was illegal. The Cort Pü Inalt upholds his petition, but orders another vote. Buffone remains in office.
- 21 June 1992/XIII – Robert I proposes a referendum to settle the question of peculiarism versus derivatism, but while it achieves a majority it fails to get a supermajority and become law, leaving the matter unsettled.
Memorable Words of Talossan Monarchs |
“I am King of a nation of dreamers, but I cannot be King of every dream.”
- 31 October 1992/XIII – Second Vuode Crisis: Robert I declares that if the Seneschal did not recognize Talossa as a real country, then he could not object to his secession from it with his home province. In retaliation, Seneschal Buffone declares that if Robert I was seceding, then he was also automatically abdicating.
- 21 November 1992/XIII – Second Vuode Crisis ends after twenty-one days after the Cort Pü Inalt issued a binding but (to King Robert's mind) unpersuasive ruling declaring Talossa inherently derivativist and thus that the secession of Vuode had been unlawful and was null and void. Robert I is declared a traitor and penalized with a removal of voting privileges for one Clark.
- 1 May 1993/XIV – After an incredible effort at raising votes, the Robert I's Progressive Conservative Party obtains a supermajority of seats in the Cosa despite lingering accusations of fraud. The resulting Cosa votes the King a unilateral line-item veto, power to choose an heir without approval, and institutes the modern Three Strikes rule.
- 1 August 1993/XIV – Maritiimi Province is joined with Port Maxhestic to form Maritiimi-Maxhestic.
- 14 October 1993/XIV – Record low turnout in election with only eleven votes received – less than half the votes of the previous election.
- 30 July 1994/XV – Momgate: Dave Kuenn attempts to send out a mailer in violation of a Robert I law requiring political advertisements to be registered with the Chancery; the Cort Pü Inalt throws out the law in favor of mail privacy. Robert I uses the ruling to issue a referendum without having to inform the opposition and eliminate the loophole which permitted Momgate in the first place. Later investigation would lead to censure of Kuenn and exposure of voter fraud on his part.
Internet Era (Interriét Atx) (1995-2003)
- pronounced [ɨntɛrːiˈet aːʒ]
Talossa goes online and explodes into a drastically changed country, gaining an enormous amount of new citizens and becoming dependent on electronic versions of previous traditional institutions. This age is
- Date uncertain 1995/XVI – Robert I marries Min Jenny Pan, known as Queen Jenny
- 21 August 1995/XVI – Talossa goes online, getting its first email address.
- 1 December 1995/XVI – Senäts is restored to power, as a bar to a potential influx of new citizens.
- 15 January 1996/XVII – Talossa's webpage goes online for the first time.
- 1 February 1996/XVII – Chris Collins becomes the first Cybercit to apply for citizenship.
- 10 April 1996/XVII – Støtanneu goes online.
- 8 May 1996/XVII – John Jahn and Nathan Freeberg form the Talossans for Talossa Party to oppose Cybercit involvement in response to a huge influx of citizens.'
- 1 June 1996/XVII – First Cybercits are naturalised to become Talossan citizens.
- 14 December 1996/XVII – First accusations against Robert I of having "pocket votes" during the first election over the Internet.
- 6 July 1997/XVIII – The Organic Law, primarily authored by Matthias Muth and Evan Gallagher, is overwhelmingly approved by referendum. It introduces the "Real Cosa" of 20 seats. The date is later commemorated with an official government holiday.
- 26 September 1997/XVIII – Miestrâ Schivâ rejected by the Uppermost Cort for citizenship. Governor of Pengopats Evan Gallagher and Ryan Hughes leave Talossa. This "First Exdous" sets off a wave of political turmoil in Talossa.
- 16 October 16 1997/XVIII – New micronation, "Free Commonwealth of Penguinea", founded by Schiva, Gallagher, and Hughes.
- January 1998/XIX – New Talossan Prime Minister Dan Wardlow begins to negotiate with Penguinean leaders for peace treaty. Increasingly undermined by King Robert, Wardlow splits from PC to form own "Peace and Freedom Party" (PFPT).
- 21 February 1998/XIX – Three new citizens are inducted in this Clark. Unusually, all become prominent in future Talossan affairs—Ián Anglatzarâ, Istefan Perþonest, and Tamorán dal Navâ.
- 21 February 1998/XIX – Charles Sauls authorized by law to have dual citizenship in Penguinea, as the turmoil that started the previous September continues to churn.
- March 1998/XIX – PFPT heavily defeated after Wardlow quits Talossa in mid-campaign; Tamorán dal Navâ becomes Prime Minister. Some PFPT supporters leave Talossa.
- 21 June 1998/XIX – University of Talossa chartered, Talossa adopts one Geneva Convention.
- 1 September 1998/XIX – Matt Dabrowski's citizenship application is rejected in the first known refusal of a citizenship request by the Cosa. Dabrowski's widely known inclination towards the Progressive Conservatives is a major factor in his rejection; a strong tradition will develop against pre-citizenship recruitment by political parties (or "Broosking" as it will later be called).
- 21 January 1998/XIX – Queen Jenny becomes a Talossan citizen. Matt Dabrowski becomes a Talossan citizen despite the previous rejection.
- 21 March 1999/XX – Semi-Permeable Wall Act comes into effect despite Robert I's efforts against it, ending Talossa's long association and difficulties with micronations.
- 26 December 1999/XX – Twentieth anniversary of Talossa's founding.
- 1 March 2000/XXI – Wired magazine runs an article on Talossa. A brief flurry of immigration occurs in response.
- 21 September 2000/XXI – Robert I divorces Queen Jenny with a law so offensive in content that it later becomes the only Talossan act to ever be entirely expunged. Liberals oppose the bill and suffer a firestorm of abuse from Robert I in response.
- 21 January 2001/XXII – Robert I marries Amy Durnford under Talossan law.
- June 2001/XXII – King declares that he will never appoint a Liberal Party government, regardless of election results. Members of the Liberal Party renounce citizenship en masse in the "Second Exodus".
- 4 December 2002/XXIII – Robert I departs the Progressive Conservatives, which had dominated Talossan politics ceaselessly and overwhelmingly since 1993. He and Wes Erni found La Mhà Nheagrâ.
- 10 January 2003/XXIV – Progressive Conservative support plummets; it remains the largest party, but brand-new party La Mhà Nheagrâ takes almost as many votes. Robert I declares that this proves that there are no "pocket votes". Others note that the "pocket votes" moved to Robert I's new party just as expected.
- January 2003/XXIV – Ex-Liberal Ián Anglatzarâ attempts to rejoin Talossa. His application is vetoed by Robert I in a move of disputed legality.
- 13 March 2003/XXIV – Robert I announces his intention to name Louis Guzmán, Queen Amy's five-year-old grandson, as the heir to the throne of Talossa.
- 14 October 2003/XXIV – The "Real Cosa" is eliminated and the 200-seat Cosa is returned. La Mhà Nheagrâ now takes a near-majority and is the largest party.
Abdication Era (Axhitaziun Atx) (2004-2006)
- pronounced [ɐd͡ʒitɐˈt͡sjun‿aːʒ]
This period was marked by increasing civil strife, including the mass defection of many citizens to the new micronation of the Republic of Talossa and culminating in the Great Abdication.
- 19 October 2003/XXIV – Gödafrïeu Válcadác’h announces his intention to resign as Seneschal as a result of personal circumstances, resulting in the Halloween Crisis.
- 22 November 2003/XXIV – Seatgate: Secretary of State Martì-Pair Furxheir strips Gary Cone of his seats and gives them to Ieremiac'h Ventrutx in the face of questionable accusations of fraud, thereby giving the Progressive Conservatives a majority and the Mhà Nheagrâ-Zefençadéirs dal Päts Talossán coalition a minority. The Cort Pü Inalt rules the action illegal and reverses it, putting the Mhà Nheagrâ- Zefençadéirs dal Päts Talossán back in power. Controversy divides the nation.
- 25 November 2003/XXIV – Noodles Summit: Internal peace is achieved with an agreement to transition to a Mhà Nheagrâ government provided Robert I resigns his seats and the Organic Law be amended to keep the monarch from the legislature permanently, ending the Halloween Crisis.
- 1 June 2004/XXV – While Robert I vacations, Ieremiac'h Ventrutx, Tamorán dal Navâ, Michael Pope, Andrew Lowry, Gödafrïeu Válcadác'h, Andrea Thompson, Lisa Skovalia, Gregory Tisher, Gjermund Higraff, Uglhán Cruceatúl, and Matthias Muth leave Talossa and join with Penguinean Miestrâ Schivâ to form the Republic of Talossa. They proclaim the "secession" of Maritiimi-Maxhestic, Cézembre, Maricopa, and Florencia. They are soon joined by Ián Anglatzarâ and Martì-Pair Furxheir. The Talossan domain (talossa.com) – administered by Furxheir - is changed to the Republic webpage, and all citizens of the Kingdom are banned from the existing Wittenberg. This event is sometimes known as the "Third Exodus".
- 14 June 2004/XXV – The Kingdom establishes a new Wittenberg in a different location. By-elections fill vacant positions and immigration requirements are lowered.
- 10 September 2004/XXV – Louis, Robert I's adopted grandson, is named heir by Robert I and confirmed by the Ziu.
- 9 December 2004/XXV – Fritz von Buchholtz immigrates, and becomes the center of a new influx of citizenry, recruiting his family and personal friends.
- 26 December 2004/XXVI – Twenty-fifth anniversary of Talossa’s founding.
- 12 April 2005/XXVI – The Republic's Constitution is approved and goes into effect. It would remain in effect for the remainder of the Republic's history.
- 19 April 2005/XXVI – Government of the United States "recognizes Talossan sovereignty", when the name of the nation “Talossa” is trademarked by Robert I.
- 7 May 2005/XXVI – John Woolley immigrates.
- 13 August 2005/XXVI – Months of contention come to a head, when after having initiatives defeated in the Ziu on several occasions, Robert I demands the membership rolls of Fritz Buchholtz's Conservative Loyalist Party, accusing the CLP of broosking and maintaining pocket votes and is refused.[1][2]
- 14 August 2005/XXVI – Seneschal Cantalour, of Robert I's Manus Nigrum party, issues a prime dictate, shutting down all further immigration until the next general election.[3]
- 15 August 2005/XXVI – The Great Abdication: Robert I abdicates the throne for the sixth and final time and renounces his citizenship. King Louis I succeeds him to the throne. Robert is followed in renunciation by several other longtime citizens.
- 17 August 2005/XXVI – Recognizing that the Republic of Talossa controlled talossa.com, talossa.net, talossa.org, kingdomoftalossa.com, kingdomoftalossa.org, talossan-language.net, talossa.biz, and talossa.info, and that Robert I had taken down the long-standing Talossan homepage at my.execpc.com/~talossa/, recently-renounced Tomas Gariçeir suggests the registration of kingdomoftalossa.net, the domain that would become the new home of Talossa online.[4]
- 14 September 2005/XXVI – Madison brings an ex parte suit (Erni v. Talossa) seeking to overturn many citizenships issued under the direction of Buchholtz as Minister of Immigration. The Cort Pü Inalt upholds the actions of the minister and rules against Robert Madison's ex parte suit. In response, Madison declared Talossa "dead".
- Late 2005-2006 - Multiple amendments to Organic Law and legislative reforms are proposed and established that restrict the power of the monarch and securing Talossa as a true constitutional monarchy with an apolitical head of state. As part of this process, the royal household and the cabinet ministries are also reorganized, the immigration process is changed, the Hopper is established.
- 29 November 2006/XXVII – In response to a request from his family, the Ziu, acting as guardian of the minor King Louis I, abdicates the throne on his behalf. With no heir, it remains empty and Gregory Rajala is named regent by the court.
- December 2006-March 2007 - Debate rages in Talossa over the question of the vacant throne. The governing CLP hold out hope that an Old Growth citizen (or a reformed Ben Madison) could eventually take the throne and argue it be held in regency until that time. The argument of converting the Kingship to an elected office is also made by some in the CLP. The CLP's coalition partner, the RUMP, advocates following the Organic Law's mandate that a new King be elected. The difference in opinion leads to many CLP Cosa members switching parties, giving the RUMP a working majority in the Cosa, though confidence in the government of CLP Prime Minister Samuhel Tecladeir is still upheld. With no Old Growther interested in taking the throne, Distain Lord Hooligan and others propose that the Ziu nominate John Woolley. The nomination goes before the electorate for ratification.
Modern Era (Actüell Atx) (2007-)
- pronounced [ɐkˈtyɛɫ aːʒ]
- 14 March 2007/XXVIII – John Woolley, now King John I, assumes the throne after a national referendum.
- April 2007/XXVIII - Fritz Buchholtz surprises the nation before elections to the 37th Cosa by declaring the dissolution of the CLP, which had governed Talossa since the Great Abdication. Some voters cast ballots for the CLP, ignorant of the declaration (the Cosa seats won by the defunct party are filled by royal appointment), and the CLP's coalition partner party the RUMP takes over the government, inaugurating a long "Era of Good Feelings" in which political opposition is minimal and fragmented.
- 21 June 2007/XXVIII - In response to the dissolution of the CLP, the Ziu creates the Order of the Cincinnatus to recognise the contributions to Talossa by the CLP and its leaders through its existence. Buchholtz, Tecladeir, Danihel Laurier, Quedeir Castiglha, and Greg Rajala are given the award.
- 11 Aug 2007/XXVIII - Former king Robert I founds the Talossan Émigré Community.
- 21 March 2008/XXIX - The Talossan space program is established with the creation of the Bureau of Space Exploration and Rocketry (BEER).
- 25 April 2008/XXIX - The renaming of Mussolini Province to Benito, which had been proclaimed by that province's legislature, is recognized and declared by a Prime Dictate.
- 12 May 2008/XXIX - Maritiimi-Maxhestic ratifies a provincial constitution by local referendum.
- 21 May 2008/XXIX - The Cosa passes The Men in Black II Act, requiring each government to provide a budget and financial report.
- 21 December 2008/XXIX - Talossa declares its adherence to the UN Charter, and its intention to seek membership the United Nations.
- 21 April 2009/XXX - The Court of Magistracy is established as an court inferior to the Cort Pü Inalt.
- 21 May 2009/XXX - Talossa declares its adherence to the agreements of the Geneva Conventions.
- 19 January 2010/XXXI - The Talossan landmark Grecian Delight is destroyed by arson. When the Cosa meets in May, the lost landmark is commemorated in Talossan law.
- 21 August 2010/XXXI - The slate of recognised national holidays is officially set with the passage of The Citizens and Cestours Public Holiday Act.
- 4 Jul 2011/XXXII - The Talossan Émigré Community is dissolved by Robert I.
- 1 December 2011/XXXII - Miestrâ Schivâ, representing the Republic of Talossa, delivers the famous "Modest Proposal" to begin negotiations that would dissolve the Republic and allow Republican Talossans to become citizens of the Kingdom.
- 19 April 2012/XXXIII - Reunision unites Talossans in a single nation once more. The Republic of Talossa is formally dissolved and its citizens are expedited through the immigration process of the Kingdom using special legislation.
- 1 June 2012/XXXIII - On the eighth anniversary of the founding of the Talossan Republic, according to the terms of the Reunision agreement and the wishes of the Republican Talossan citizens who had been assigned to Maricopa province temporarily, the province of Fiova is established from territory donated by Maricopa and Maritiimi-Maxhestic, and Republican Talossans are reassigned to citizenship in the new province by special legislation. Istefan Perþonest is named the province's first Constable and Fiovans begin establishing provincial government.
- 2 July 2012/XXXIII - Talossawiki is released to the public. [5]
- 19 February 2013/XXXIV - After a successful Kickstarter, Talossa's Royal Bank & Post ships its first "regular issue" stamps.
- 14 April 2013/XXXIV - Amendments to the OrgLaw allowing voters to cast secret ballots and halving the duration of elections are approved in a referendum.
- 4 July 2013/XXXIV- After 9 years of being offline, the Talossan Database reopens and receives a makeover.
- 31 December 2013/XXXIV - No'ac'h Ventrutx becomes the first Dandelion to reach full citizenship.
- 1 January 2014/XXXV - In the first General Elections to allow secret ballot votes, a coalition of MRPT, ZRT, and LPR wins a majority, allowing them to pick the first Seneschal from a party other than the RUMP since 2007. [6]
- 1 March 2014/XXXV - The motley collection of various civil and criminal statutes are replaced with a single, coherent legal code: el Lexhatx. The law passes both houses of the Ziu with unanimous votes. The effort is led by Alexandreu Davinescu, and he is thereafter elevated to the knighthood in recognition of the achievement.
- 14 March 2014/XXXV - The first issue of Beric'ht Talossan is published by Sir Alexandreu Davinescu. The paper would eventually grow to be the first Talossan corporation, first profitable Talossan business, largest Talossan organization, and the widest-circulating media property in Talossan history (among other blandishments).
- 2 June 2015/XXXVI - King John refuses to proclaim an amendment to the OrgLaw that was approved in a referendum, resulting in sharp disagreement over the extent of royal powers.[7]
- 1 December 2015/XXXVI - Talossan National Congress founded.
- 3 July 2017/XXXVIII - A midterm referendum is held on the monarchy. 71% of voters said that the country should continue to be a monarchy, and 60% believed the monarch should not simply be a figurehead.
- 1 May 2019/XL - The Free Democrats of Talossa form a minority government, beginning a period of five successive terms of Government.
- 1 December 2019/XL - The Organic Law is revised in many respects after efforts led by Ian Plätschisch..
- 23 September 2020/XLI - A proposed merger between Fiôvâ and Florencia is put to a referendum which sees very high voter turnout. While Fiôvâ approved a merger by 77.8%, Florencia rejected the proposal by a similarly wide margin of 28.6%.
- 27 February 2020/XLI - Proboards Wittenberg, used since 2004/XXV, is retired. A new Wittenberg is certified for use by Secretary of State Glüc da Dhi.
- 1 August 2020/XLI - The hereditary aspect of the monarchy is eliminated after a nationwide referendum; Prince Patrick is no longer heir apparent. No method of replacement is established.
- 14 December 2020/XLI - Talossa.net is launched, a full social media site for Talossans. It includes an activity feed for text updates or multimedia, group networking, word processing capabilities for co-work, and other features.[8]
- 25 January 2021/XLII - Another midterm referendum is held on the monarchy. With a turnout of 47%, Option 1: The King of Talossa shall be replaced by an elected Head of State is victorious.
- 5 June 2022/XLIII - Talossa.net is retired.[9]
- 8 June 2022/XLIII - ID cards are offered for free to all citizens who pass a test on Talossan history and civics.[10]
- 20 April 2022/XLIII - Breneir Tzaracomprada launches Fora Talossa, the first video channel about Talossa. Within a year, it will have more than forty videos, including performances, talk shows, and government events.[11]
- 2 February 2023/XLIV - Several formerly-prominent citizens lose their citizenship, having not responded to a census or election in more than two years. They include Senator Sevastáin Pinátsch and Magniloqueu Épiqeu Ac'hlerglünä da Lhiun. Vitxalmour Conductour also loses his citizenship, but it is immediately restored when he speaks up to say that he's just an "absent-minded procrastinator."[12]
- 25 February 2023/XLIV - The Talossan National Congress wins a majority of seats in the Cosa, the first time any party has done so since 2012.
- 1 March 2023/XLIV - Several weeks of difficulties with the webhost for the national website and Wittenberg end with a total failure. All web properties are offline for several days, and all data since February 15th is lost. This "Wittpocalypse" disrupts Talossan life for more than a week.
- 4 March 2023/XLIV - A national information service, Infotecă is launched, providing basic statistics about the use of Wittenberg, immigration data, Royal Treasury information, and data about government spending.[13]
- 9 April 2023/XLIV - TalossaWare goes back on sale, offering a variety of merchandise to Talossan citizens.[14]
- 15 June 2024/XLV - Talossan National Congress disbanded after many members resigning and other problems.
- 20 June 2024/XLV - Barclamïu da Miéletz founded and launched Talossa24.
- 22 June 2024/XLV - Talossa’s proud philosopher Ián Tamorán passed away.
- 1 July 2024/XLV - Benito renamed to Belacostă.[15]
- 12 July 2024/XLV - Ián Tamorán’s death commemoration uploaded to Talossa24.
- 20 August 2024/XLV - King John formally appoints Sir Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă as his Heir Apparent.[16]
- 30 November 2024/XLV - King John formally abdicates the throne and King Txec ascends to the Monarchy.[17]
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