June 2015 General Election

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June 2015 General Election
Sep 2014 15 May 2015 - 1 Jun 2015 Mar 2016

All 200 seats in the Cosa
101 seats needed for a majority
Eligible voters 233
Turnout 136 (58.37%)
RUMPlogo.png FreeDemLogo3.png MRPT2016.png
Leader A. Davinescu C. Xheraltescù Lüc da Schir
Leader since 6 Mar 2015 2 Mar 2015 11 Aug 2014
Leader's seat MC (RUMP) MC (FDA) Senator (BE)
Last election 79 52 * 42
Seats won 68 47 46
Seat change Decrease 11 Decrease 5 Increase 4
Popular vote 43 30 29
Percentage 33.86% 23.62% 22.83%
Swing Decrease 5.56% Decrease 2.34% Increase 1.68%
Leader G. Fortaleça Owen Edwards Nicholas Hayes
Last election new party 15 independent
Seats won 16 14 6
Seat change new party Decrease 1 independent
Popular vote 10 9 4
Percentage 7.87% 7.09% 3.15%
Swing new party Decrease 0.61% independent

48th cosa.png
Seat apportionment for the 48th Cosa

Outgoing Seneschal Appointed Seneschal
Lüc da Schir
Carlüs Xheraltescù

The June 2015 General Election was held from 15 May 2015/XXXVI to 1 June 2015/XXXVI and elected members to the 48th Cosa and also filled three Senator seats for Atatürk, Cézembre, and Florencia.

Elections to four provincial assemblies and twelve referendums to ratify amendments to the Organic Law were conducted as well. The election was administered by Secretary of State, Marti-Pair Furxheir.

233 voters were eligible to vote in the election and 136 ballots were cast. Voter turnout was 58.37%.

Registered parties

Five national political parties and one independent candidate were registered for the August 2014 election:

Results of the Cosa election


Party Number of votes cast Percentage of votes cast Seats awarded Majority
FDA 30 23.62 47 N
MRPT 29 22.83 46 N
PROG 9 7.09 14 N
RUMP 43 33.86 67 N
TSP 10 7.87 16 N
N. Hayes 4 3.15 6 N
B. Ardpresteir 2 1.57 3 N
'Present'* 9 n/a n/a
*Votes of 'Present' not included in calculations

Results of the Senatorial elections

Three senatorial elections were held concurrently to the May 2015 General Election.


Candidate's name Number of votes Elected
Sevastáin Pinátsch 11 YesY
Bradley Holmes 5
Spoilt votes 2


Candidate's name Number of votes Elected
Txosuè Éiric Rôibeardescù 12 YesY
Present 1
Spoilt votes 3


Candidate's name Number of votes Elected
Pôl D'Aurìbuérg 5 YesY
Prince Patrick (write-in) 4
Mximo Carbonél (write-in) 1
Present 1
Spoilt votes 2

External links